


Peer’s Review

After perusing your composition thoroughly, I reckon that you have met more or less the requirements that our professor set. Great job. I entirely agree that American schools concentrate more on developing students’ personal skills rather than learning a wide range of pointless theoretical concepts which will turn out to be useless in the future after graduation. It is a hundred percent true that Chinese education system fails to meet what students really need in this contemporarily competitive world. As a student who studied in China once upon a time, I would like to say that taking feasible and extraordinary countermeasures to change the current situation of Chinese education allows no delay, particularly Chinese governments should join forces instead of working individually for their own targets to something from other excellent countries which are apt at educating students, like America.

I am glad to know that studying in America was the turning point which enabled you to be more independent and speak English in a better way. I feel connected to what you said previously that you had begun to depend on yourself.
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However, you should have to proofread your writing again and again. I highly recommend you to ask your friends who are native English speakers to check your work due to the fact that I have found a couple of grammar errors which will absolutely deduct your points. For instance, you wrote that I arrived United states. This is a common mistake that Chinese students often make. To correct it, you should write that I arrived in the United States. Furthermore, I did not see anything related to how American schools helped you. It is impossible to say that coming to America equals to being a more perfect person. Hence, I would like to know more about this.

What you have written is like a reminder that brings me back to the day when I first set my foot into the USA, I was confused, upset and frightened as you were. I thought that I would not be able to go through it, however, on the contrary, I surpassed myself and turned myself into a more independent, perfect and better person that I always wanted to be. I believe that studying in the USA will give us an outstanding opportunity to know what we really are and to be what we think we can not be.



