
留学生论文代写-Summary of the bible



The first chapter of the Bible is about the god’s creation process of each and every thing in the world for the first six days. At the first day, he created heaven and earth with the latter part being dark and empty, thus he then said there should be light as is thought highly of by him so that lightness and darkness are separated and in the meanwhile day and night have been distinguished as well. And next day he created air to divide water from top to bottom and he was quite satisfied with the result. As for the third day, he would rather land and sea to be parted from each other and land should be grown with green grass, vegetables and all kinds of trees full of fruits. And on the fourth day, he implemented his idea to mark the differences of climate, day and year. On the following day, he then brought all kinds of creatures to the world either in water, on the land and in the sky and at the same time endowed all of them with life. At the last day, god told the creatures how to make a living based on the surrounding situations so that human beings can really live a life on their own afterwards.


According to the Bible, at the first beginning god created heaven and earth with the latter part being dark and empty and the first day has separated day and night due to the existence of light. And then on the second day there emerged air and there appeared the differences between land and sea on the third day. As for the fourth day, climate, day and year all have been marked as an individual one different from others and then later on the fifth day all kinds of creatures have been created and at the last day human beings are told how to live independently on their own.



