
The Analysis of Matigari--Essay代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选Essay代写范文:“The Analysis of Matigari”在小说Matigari中,在殖民者和侵略者的控制和统治之下,人们遭受着痛苦的折磨和苦难的生活,人们为了和平与公正,并且也为了理想的生活而不断进行武装反抗。这篇小说不紧反映着后殖民主义文学品的特点,同时最后也带有后现代的意味在里面。

They are someone who once lived under the control and domination of the colonists and settlers, suffering from the deeply painful government and experiences. They also are eager for the peace and justice and seek for the ideal life via certain means such as the armed struggle. Just as what was said in this novel 'Where can a person girded with a belt of peace find truth and justice in this world?'-----what I believe is the line that was echoed in almost every chapter of the book .

For some of them, they need to be confronted with the cruel fact---they were exploited brutally by the settlers who owned the machines and some other resources. They could do nothing except for bearing such colonial government and work for the colonists. Where  the justice and peace can be find in this way just as what were described in the book.  'I build my house with my own hands . But the Settler Williams slept in it and I would sleep outside on the vernada.I tended the estates that spread around the house for miles. But it was Settler Williams who took home the harvest. I was left to pick anything he might have left behind. I worked all the machines and in all the industries but it was Settler Williams who take the profits to the bank and i would end up with the cent that he flung away. ' thus , without the enough means of production, it might be difficult to achieve a equal distribution  and thus this injustice seems to be more justice and reasonable.

Also, besides such economic invasion, the spoil for the dignity and the crucial rule means is another story. The ruled have to endure the inhuman treatment from the ruler while the ruler almost could do anything they want to seek for the crucial happiness . Therefore, in the book, it was described that the two policemen set the dogs on a woman and the woman kneel on the ground because she was too weak to resist for the two ' birds and beasts' . It could be hard to image how inhuman they are-----' the dog would leave towards her, but each time its muzzle came close to her eyes, the policeman who held the lead restrained her.  Each time she stood up to retreat , the dog jumped at her, barking and growling as though it smelled blood ' . Bloody though the scene is , others respond to the fact in a more surprising way ' some people laughed ,seeming to find the spectacle highly entertaining' . Therefore, under that social backgrounds , anything could be found without any surprise because of the lose of humanity of the rulers and the lose of the peace and justice.

However, how to deal with such injustice from the colonial government and seek for the peace? Possibly the armed struggle might be exact answer through the Ngugi’s suggestions. That might be implying that we have to use force while we are faced with the injustice. And in the end of the book,when the hero and heroine die, can we imply that anyone who want to chase for the peace and justice need to be well prepared for the death?

It is my contention in this article that Matigari addresses the urgency of the polarised situation of post-colonial Kenya, not only by transgressing his former, materialist discourse, but by having only one story to tell and thereby distancing his narrative from the multiple stories of post-modern fiction. The final part of this article discusses the relationship between Matigari’s role as a prophet and the decentred, fragmentary voice of post-modern Literature.-M

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Equality Inclusivity and Diversity--论文代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“Equality Inclusivity and Diversity”本文讲述的是作为一个老师,以平等的包容性和多样性的学习方式可以帮助保持每个学生的高标准。对每一个人都一视同仁没有偏见,是作为一个老师的最重要的标准。以确保每个学生都享有平的的机会和尊重。
Equality Inclusivity and Diversity Every learner has different barriers to overcome, by acknowledging and respecting diversity we can help keep standards of equality and inlcusivity high for every individual learner, so that everyone is treated equally and without prejudice. As an instructor it is important when ground rules are applied to ensure every individual is given equal opportunity and respect awhilst learning. The ground rules should address and cover diversity creating a safe environment to satisfy learner needs this way contributions from everyone will be valued. Through out the prison establishment in buildings, corridors, and classrooms you see signs and posters promoting Equality, Inclusivity, and Diversity and where help can be found. when teaching prison staff in the use of Cell Snatch Rescue Equipment each persons abilities, doubts and fears need to be addressed. As adults are the ones who attended the course I try to take into consideration any problems they may have it could be family matters, medical conditions e.g. hearing impairment, problems with vision or speech, reading and writing concerns, physical disabilities so that support can be given what ever their need while they are attending the course, my commitment to all staff required to complete the course is that they gain the confidence, experience, qualification certificate needed for them to create a safe environment for themselves and other members of staff to work in with the knowledge they can react and deal with a cell fire possibly life threatening and do so in a safe and professional manner. Help is available within the establishment e.g. The Diversity Team concerns dealing with race, gender, disability or age The Care Team helping with personal issues giving guidance and advice Line Managers Education Department help with academic concerns Physical Education Instructors for health and fitness.-Y


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College Application Essay--论文代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“College Application Essay”本文作者从自己赴美留学这一近况以及一本书联想到种族平等、文化转变等镜像。“故事中的主要人物讲述了从一种文化到下一种文化的转变,特别是兄妹们的艰辛,不得不放弃他们的追求,以适应美国社会的平等。”

College Application Essay For the past two years, it has been a personal goal of mine to study abroad, specifically in the United States. A couple of months ago, for the first time, I began to have doubts about this. My classmates and I were assigned to read “A Daughter of Invention”, which is an excerpt from Julia Alvarez’s book “How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents”. The text talks about a Latin family forced to move to New York because of the existing dictatorship in their country. The main character in the story narrates this transition from one culture to the next, and the hardships the siblings in particular had to endure in their quest to fit in and become equal members of the American society. I was immediately interested in the story, especially because the family discussed in the story was Dominican, and I found that my values were not unlike those of the characters.

Fueled by this new doubt growing in me, I read the book. The family in the story captivated me, and their development in the American culture resulted even more fascinating. The four sisters the book describes were forced to adapt to a completely different culture and way of life and were subjected to discrimination numerous times due to their ethnic background. This journey the four Dominican girls went through and the rejection they were forced to undertake made me reconsider the only thing I thought I was sure I wanted. When I pondered about life as a student in the United States, I envisioned myself in a cultural metropolis where I enjoyed a healthy educational and social environment. It had never occurred to me that I could come to be a target of discrimination. Amidst my doubts, I found comfort in several factors. The first one is that the book is set several decades ago. Since then, racism has diminished and Hispanics have gotten to achieve certain equality. A second factor is that, whether it be by technology or globalization, I am exposed to the North American way of life and have developed a sort of biculturalism.

In other words, living in the United States would not represent such a new experience. The final and most important factor that helped me realize I should follow my goal was the author herself. She, as well as the family in the book, moved to North America and was forced to adapt to a completely opposite culture. What truly amazed and inspired me is that, in the end, she was able to do so. More importantly, she never let go of her Dominican roots.-M

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CEO's growth path--论文代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“CEO's growth path”本文主要讲了杰米戴蒙首席执行官1982年毕业于哈佛的商学院。据报道,他拒绝了斯坦利摩根、雷曼兄弟和戈德曼第一次就业的地方。在美国运通,他成为华尔街•桑福德威尔的传说门生。2000年三月,戴蒙成为美国第一银行首席执行官。摩根大通合并后成为COO后,从2006日起,杰米戴蒙正式接替威廉•大通哈里森成为新的首席执行官。他带领摩根大通银行在次贷危机中损失相对较小,直接进入美国运通。

Jamie Dimon is the CEO who graduated from the Harvard Business School in 1982. He reportedly refused to Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, and Goldman Sachs where he had the first time employment. During American Express, he became a legend on Wall Street • Sanford Weill's protege. In March 2000, Dimon became the first US bank CEO. Dimon, JPMorgan Chase after the merger became COO post, from 2006 onwards, Jamie Dimon officially succeed William • JPMorgan Chase Harrison and became the new CEO. He led JPMorgan Chase Bank in the subprime mortgage crisis in a relatively small loss. directly into the American Express. He reportedly refused to Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, and his graduate student during the internship at Goldman Sachs had the first time employment. During American Express, he became a legend on Wall Street • Sanford Weill's protege. March 2000 Dimon became the first US bank CEO. Dimon, JPMorgan Chase after the merger became COO post, from 2006 onwards, Jamie Dimon officially succeed William •JPMorgan Chase Harrison and  became the new CEO. He led JPMorgan Chase Bank in the subprime mortgage crisis in a relatively small loss.

Born in Glasgow, Andrew Crockett was educated at Queens' College, Cambridge and Yale University. He joined the Bank of England in 1966, and the International Monetary Fund in 1972. He was an Executive Director of the Bank of England from 1989–93, before becoming General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in 1994. After retiring from the BIS in 2003, he joined JPMorgan Chase, the U.S. banking firm, where he was Special Advisor to the Chairman and a member of the Executive Committee until shortly before his death.

There are three events that occurred in fiscal year for which the report is prepared (2013) that had an impact on the company’s profitability.

First of all, it is mortgage-backed securities sales. In August 2013, JPMorgan Chase announced that it is being investigated by the United States Department of Justice over its offerings of mortgage-backed securities leading up to the financial crisis of 2007–08. The company said that the Department of justice had preliminarily concluded that the firm violated federal securities laws in offerings of subprime and Alt-A residential mortgage securities during the period 2005 to 2007.

Moreover, it is "Sons and Daughters" hiring program. In 2013, the SEC began an investigation of the bank's hiring practices in China. The bank allegedly made a practice of hiring the children of the Chinese ruling elite. Spreadsheets kept a record of how the hires led to business deals. The bank viewed this as a gateway to doing deals with state-owned companies.[82] The practice is felt to be widespread in the banking industry.[83]

Additionally, in July 2013, The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved a stipulation and consent agreement under which JPMorgan Ventures Energy Corporation (JPMVEC), a subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co., agreed to pay $410 million in penalties and disgorgement to ratepayers for allegations ofmarket manipulation stemming from the company’s bidding activities in electricity markets in California and the Midwest from September 2010 through November 2012. JPMVEC agreed to pay a civil penalty of $285 million to the U.S. Treasury and to disgorge $125 million in unjust profits. JPMVEC admitted the facts set forth in the agreement, but neither admitted nor denied the violations.
The case stemmed from multiple referrals to FERC from market monitors in 2011 and 2012 regarding JPMVEC’s bidding practices. FERC investigators determined that JPMVEC engaged in 12 manipulative bidding strategies designed to make profits from power plants that were usually out of the money in the marketplace. In each of them, the company made bids designed to create artificial conditions that forced California and Midcontinent Independent System Operators (ISOs) to pay JPMVEC outside the market at premium rates.

FERC investigators further determined that JPMVEC knew that the California ISO and Midcontinent ISO received no benefit from making inflated payments to the company, thereby defrauding the ISOs by obtaining payments for benefits that the company did not deliver beyond the routine provision of energy. FERC investigators also determined that JPMVEC's bids displaced other generation and altered day ahead and real-time prices from the prices that would have resulted had the company not submitted the bids.[78]
Under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Congress directed FERC to detect, prevent and appropriately sanction the gaming of energy markets. According to FERC, the Commission approved the settlement as in the public interest.[78]

Also, there is a risk that the company identify in upcoming fiscal year (2014) that may have an impact on its profitability.
In October 2014, JP Morgan sold its commodities trader unit to Mercuria for $800 million - a quarter of the initial valuation of $3.5 billion, as the transaction excluded some oil and metal stockpiles and other assets.[38]-M

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The Analysis of Matigari--Essay代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选Essay代写范文:“The Analysis of Matigari”在小说Matigari中,在殖民者和侵略者的控制和统治之下,人们遭受着痛苦的折磨和苦难的生活,人们为了和平与公正,并且也为了理想的生活而不断进行武装反抗。这篇小说不紧反映着后殖民主义文学品的特点,同时最后也带有后现代的意味在里面。

They are someone who once lived under the control and domination of the colonists and settlers, suffering from the deeply painful government and experiences. They also are eager for the peace and justice and seek for the ideal life via certain means such as the armed struggle. Just as what was said in this novel 'Where can a person girded with a belt of peace find truth and justice in this world?'-----what I believe is the line that was echoed in almost every chapter of the book .

For some of them, they need to be confronted with the cruel fact---they were exploited brutally by the settlers who owned the machines and some other resources. They could do nothing except for bearing such colonial government and work for the colonists. Where  the justice and peace can be find in this way just as what were described in the book.  'I build my house with my own hands . But the Settler Williams slept in it and I would sleep outside on the vernada.I tended the estates that spread around the house for miles. But it was Settler Williams who took home the harvest. I was left to pick anything he might have left behind. I worked all the machines and in all the industries but it was Settler Williams who take the profits to the bank and i would end up with the cent that he flung away. ' thus , without the enough means of production, it might be difficult to achieve a equal distribution  and thus this injustice seems to be more justice and reasonable.

Also, besides such economic invasion, the spoil for the dignity and the crucial rule means is another story. The ruled have to endure the inhuman treatment from the ruler while the ruler almost could do anything they want to seek for the crucial happiness . Therefore, in the book, it was described that the two policemen set the dogs on a woman and the woman kneel on the ground because she was too weak to resist for the two ' birds and beasts' . It could be hard to image how inhuman they are-----' the dog would leave towards her, but each time its muzzle came close to her eyes, the policeman who held the lead restrained her.  Each time she stood up to retreat , the dog jumped at her, barking and growling as though it smelled blood ' . Bloody though the scene is , others respond to the fact in a more surprising way ' some people laughed ,seeming to find the spectacle highly entertaining' . Therefore, under that social backgrounds , anything could be found without any surprise because of the lose of humanity of the rulers and the lose of the peace and justice.

However, how to deal with such injustice from the colonial government and seek for the peace? Possibly the armed struggle might be exact answer through the Ngugi’s suggestions. That might be implying that we have to use force while we are faced with the injustice. And in the end of the book,when the hero and heroine die, can we imply that anyone who want to chase for the peace and justice need to be well prepared for the death?

It is my contention in this article that Matigari addresses the urgency of the polarised situation of post-colonial Kenya, not only by transgressing his former, materialist discourse, but by having only one story to tell and thereby distancing his narrative from the multiple stories of post-modern fiction. The final part of this article discusses the relationship between Matigari’s role as a prophet and the decentred, fragmentary voice of post-modern Literature.-M

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Womens Roles--英国论文代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“Womens Roles”。历史的长河中,女性角色多为悲惨的人物,本篇论文里的主人公也不例外。作者将麦乐夫人描绘成一个无力、脆弱的角色,在她丈夫“死去”之后,心脏病突发去世。但故事的结果却是,麦乐夫人的丈夫并没有死去,所引发的让人深思的故事。

Throughout history the roles of women has changed dramatically. Women have been enslaved, put down and their rights taken away from them. Women have slowly but surly evolved into the individuals ones sees today in public office, law firms or even the five o’ clock news.

However this evolution did not occur over night, it took time and can be made apparent in places one might not think to look. The roles of women in short stories have changed from a typical voiceless human being to one that dominates a story. In the short story “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, the character Mrs. Mallard demonstrates a transformation that is necessary for a woman to have.

The character Mrs. Mallard defies the traditional role of women in the 1800’s. In the beginning of the short story Mrs. Mallard is depicted as a weak and fragile woman who suffered from heart trouble. When the news of Mrs. Mallard’s husband’s death was made apparent, Richards, a family friend and Mrs. Mallard’s sister were very delicate in the way they broke the news to her. Once the news was broken to her, it seemed as if Mrs. Mallard would act to her husband’s death in the traditional way “ she wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sisters arm” . However, Ms. Mallard defies the traditional role of the women by overcoming the feeling of sadness and instead replacing it with the feeling of joy. Mrs. Mallard realizes that her husband’s death should not be seen as an atrocity but instead as an act of freedom. This is made apparent by the words Mrs. Mallard uttered to herself in the room; she gradually lets the words “free, free, free!” escape from! her mouth. This act relinquishes Mrs. Mallard from the subservient role she played for her husband and into her own person. To some Mrs. Mallards reaction to her husband’s death may have seemed distasteful but to others it is seen as a step in the right direction. Mrs. Mallard is not joyful about her husband’s death but joyful about the newborn freedom she receives with the news. This is shown by her thoughts later on “she knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind, tender hands folded in death” .

However in the same paragraph her husband’s feelings about her are made obvious with the line “…the face [Mr. Mallard’s] that had never looked save with love upon her”. One can assume that Mr. Mallard never really expressed his love towards his wife that left her with these feelings inside. Mrs. Mallard’s reaction is just a woman freeing herself of the oppression her husband has placed on her. Through the course of the story, Mrs. Mallard developed from a weak individual to someone who just gaining a sense of self. Mrs. Mallard started looking into the future, a future that she would live for herself “She saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely. And then she opened and spread out her arms out to them in welcome” . Mrs. Mallard turned from powerless to someone who had absolute power in all of about 10 minutes. The character of Mrs. Mallard exhibits the conscious and subconscious feeling that women hold towards men. The reaction Mrs. Mallard has to her husband’s death should not be viewed upon as appalling or viscous but as liberating. Mrs. Mallards feeling that “there would be no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself” is the feeling women should have while there husband are alive, women should not have to wait for a man to die in order t gain some sense of independence .

When Mrs. Mallard discovers that her husband is indeed alive, she dies of heart disease. The doctor diagnosed her death as “a joy that kills”, however one can assume her death was provoked by the realization that her newfound freedom was suddenly gone. In the short story “The Story of an Hour”, the main character Mrs. Mallard, develops into her own person in a short matter of time. The death of her husband made her realize that she was living life for the wrong person; instead of living it for herself she was living it for her husband. Throughout the story Mrs. Mallard transcends from Mrs. Mallard to Josephine, her name. With the surprising sight of her husband came the realization that she was about to transform from Josephine back to Mrs. Mallard.

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Native Americans--论文代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“Native Americans ” 本论文对美国原住民的含义做了解释。美洲原住民是指那些土著居民,包含了不同的部落,国家和民族。
Native Americans (also Aboriginal Peoples, Aboriginal Americans, American Indians, Amerindians, Amerind, Indians, First Nations, First Peoples, Native Canadians, or Indigenous Peoples of America) are those peoples indigenous to the Americas, living there prior to European colonization. This term encompasses a large number of distinct tribes, states, and ethnic groups, many of them still enduring as political communities.
The terms "Amerindian" and "Indian", both of which are derivatives of "American Indian" (as is "Amerind", though this term is more popular in linguistic circles), are not necessarily completely synonymous with "Native American". Although all Amerindians are Native Americans, not all Native Americans are Amerindians. "Amerindian" relates to a mega-group of people spanning the Americas that are related in culture and genetics, and are quite distinct from the later arriving Eskimos (Inuit, Yupik, and Aleut peoples native to Alaska and arctic Canada). The latter share their cultural and genetic commonality with other arctic peoples not native to the American continent, such as those from arctic Russian Siberia.
The same distinction is made in Canada, where the term First Nations applies only to Native Canadians who belong to the same cultural and genetic mega-group of Amerindians mentioned above. The Canadian First Nations specifically exclude the Inuit and Inuvialuit in the north, although these are included in the terms "First Peoples" and "Native Canadians". First Peoples are enshrined in the Canadian Constitution with various treaty rights, some long established and many more currently under negotiation.
The term Native American may be construed to either include or exclude the Metis of Canada and the Mestizos and Zambos of Latin America.
Other indigenous peoples that are native to territorial possesions of American countries but are not specifically "Native American" (in the sense that they are not native to the actual lands that comprise the American continent) are a diversity of Pacific Islanders including: Native Hawaiians (also known as Kanaka M oli and Kanaka 'Oiwi) in the US state of Hawaii, natives of American Samoa (USA) and natives of Easter Island (Chile).-X

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