
College Application Essay--论文代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“College Application Essay”本文作者从自己赴美留学这一近况以及一本书联想到种族平等、文化转变等镜像。“故事中的主要人物讲述了从一种文化到下一种文化的转变,特别是兄妹们的艰辛,不得不放弃他们的追求,以适应美国社会的平等。”

College Application Essay For the past two years, it has been a personal goal of mine to study abroad, specifically in the United States. A couple of months ago, for the first time, I began to have doubts about this. My classmates and I were assigned to read “A Daughter of Invention”, which is an excerpt from Julia Alvarez’s book “How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents”. The text talks about a Latin family forced to move to New York because of the existing dictatorship in their country. The main character in the story narrates this transition from one culture to the next, and the hardships the siblings in particular had to endure in their quest to fit in and become equal members of the American society. I was immediately interested in the story, especially because the family discussed in the story was Dominican, and I found that my values were not unlike those of the characters.

Fueled by this new doubt growing in me, I read the book. The family in the story captivated me, and their development in the American culture resulted even more fascinating. The four sisters the book describes were forced to adapt to a completely different culture and way of life and were subjected to discrimination numerous times due to their ethnic background. This journey the four Dominican girls went through and the rejection they were forced to undertake made me reconsider the only thing I thought I was sure I wanted. When I pondered about life as a student in the United States, I envisioned myself in a cultural metropolis where I enjoyed a healthy educational and social environment. It had never occurred to me that I could come to be a target of discrimination. Amidst my doubts, I found comfort in several factors. The first one is that the book is set several decades ago. Since then, racism has diminished and Hispanics have gotten to achieve certain equality. A second factor is that, whether it be by technology or globalization, I am exposed to the North American way of life and have developed a sort of biculturalism.

In other words, living in the United States would not represent such a new experience. The final and most important factor that helped me realize I should follow my goal was the author herself. She, as well as the family in the book, moved to North America and was forced to adapt to a completely opposite culture. What truly amazed and inspired me is that, in the end, she was able to do so. More importantly, she never let go of her Dominican roots.-M

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