
The Analysis of Matigari--Essay代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选Essay代写范文:“The Analysis of Matigari”在小说Matigari中,在殖民者和侵略者的控制和统治之下,人们遭受着痛苦的折磨和苦难的生活,人们为了和平与公正,并且也为了理想的生活而不断进行武装反抗。这篇小说不紧反映着后殖民主义文学品的特点,同时最后也带有后现代的意味在里面。

They are someone who once lived under the control and domination of the colonists and settlers, suffering from the deeply painful government and experiences. They also are eager for the peace and justice and seek for the ideal life via certain means such as the armed struggle. Just as what was said in this novel 'Where can a person girded with a belt of peace find truth and justice in this world?'-----what I believe is the line that was echoed in almost every chapter of the book .

For some of them, they need to be confronted with the cruel fact---they were exploited brutally by the settlers who owned the machines and some other resources. They could do nothing except for bearing such colonial government and work for the colonists. Where  the justice and peace can be find in this way just as what were described in the book.  'I build my house with my own hands . But the Settler Williams slept in it and I would sleep outside on the vernada.I tended the estates that spread around the house for miles. But it was Settler Williams who took home the harvest. I was left to pick anything he might have left behind. I worked all the machines and in all the industries but it was Settler Williams who take the profits to the bank and i would end up with the cent that he flung away. ' thus , without the enough means of production, it might be difficult to achieve a equal distribution  and thus this injustice seems to be more justice and reasonable.

Also, besides such economic invasion, the spoil for the dignity and the crucial rule means is another story. The ruled have to endure the inhuman treatment from the ruler while the ruler almost could do anything they want to seek for the crucial happiness . Therefore, in the book, it was described that the two policemen set the dogs on a woman and the woman kneel on the ground because she was too weak to resist for the two ' birds and beasts' . It could be hard to image how inhuman they are-----' the dog would leave towards her, but each time its muzzle came close to her eyes, the policeman who held the lead restrained her.  Each time she stood up to retreat , the dog jumped at her, barking and growling as though it smelled blood ' . Bloody though the scene is , others respond to the fact in a more surprising way ' some people laughed ,seeming to find the spectacle highly entertaining' . Therefore, under that social backgrounds , anything could be found without any surprise because of the lose of humanity of the rulers and the lose of the peace and justice.

However, how to deal with such injustice from the colonial government and seek for the peace? Possibly the armed struggle might be exact answer through the Ngugi’s suggestions. That might be implying that we have to use force while we are faced with the injustice. And in the end of the book,when the hero and heroine die, can we imply that anyone who want to chase for the peace and justice need to be well prepared for the death?

It is my contention in this article that Matigari addresses the urgency of the polarised situation of post-colonial Kenya, not only by transgressing his former, materialist discourse, but by having only one story to tell and thereby distancing his narrative from the multiple stories of post-modern fiction. The final part of this article discusses the relationship between Matigari’s role as a prophet and the decentred, fragmentary voice of post-modern Literature.-M

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