
essay代写范例:College life


College From my college experience, I hope to gain many things. Obviously college is a time that students can truly become individuals. When I attend college I will have the opportunity to become more independent and to take on new responsibilities. I have always relied on my parents for support, but at college I will be on y own an will have to push myself harder. This will help me to become more mature and will help me grow in character. Right now I have a fairly accurate idea concerning what I want to do with my life. Yet, I am also aware that I may change my mind several times before I begin a career. College will introduce me to new and various things, an I will develop new interests from this exposure. During my high school years, I have been very involved in school and community activities. In college, I will also be exposed to new clubs and activities. Involvement in extra events has provided a balance for rigorous course study. With the pressures college brings, I will probably want to be involved in many groups. I hope to find a balance between my studies and my social life, and I hope to offer my leadership qualities to my college community.


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