
CEO's growth path--论文代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“CEO's growth path”本文主要讲了杰米戴蒙首席执行官1982年毕业于哈佛的商学院。据报道,他拒绝了斯坦利摩根、雷曼兄弟和戈德曼第一次就业的地方。在美国运通,他成为华尔街•桑福德威尔的传说门生。2000年三月,戴蒙成为美国第一银行首席执行官。摩根大通合并后成为COO后,从2006日起,杰米戴蒙正式接替威廉•大通哈里森成为新的首席执行官。他带领摩根大通银行在次贷危机中损失相对较小,直接进入美国运通。

Jamie Dimon is the CEO who graduated from the Harvard Business School in 1982. He reportedly refused to Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, and Goldman Sachs where he had the first time employment. During American Express, he became a legend on Wall Street • Sanford Weill's protege. In March 2000, Dimon became the first US bank CEO. Dimon, JPMorgan Chase after the merger became COO post, from 2006 onwards, Jamie Dimon officially succeed William • JPMorgan Chase Harrison and became the new CEO. He led JPMorgan Chase Bank in the subprime mortgage crisis in a relatively small loss. directly into the American Express. He reportedly refused to Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, and his graduate student during the internship at Goldman Sachs had the first time employment. During American Express, he became a legend on Wall Street • Sanford Weill's protege. March 2000 Dimon became the first US bank CEO. Dimon, JPMorgan Chase after the merger became COO post, from 2006 onwards, Jamie Dimon officially succeed William •JPMorgan Chase Harrison and  became the new CEO. He led JPMorgan Chase Bank in the subprime mortgage crisis in a relatively small loss.

Born in Glasgow, Andrew Crockett was educated at Queens' College, Cambridge and Yale University. He joined the Bank of England in 1966, and the International Monetary Fund in 1972. He was an Executive Director of the Bank of England from 1989–93, before becoming General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in 1994. After retiring from the BIS in 2003, he joined JPMorgan Chase, the U.S. banking firm, where he was Special Advisor to the Chairman and a member of the Executive Committee until shortly before his death.

There are three events that occurred in fiscal year for which the report is prepared (2013) that had an impact on the company’s profitability.

First of all, it is mortgage-backed securities sales. In August 2013, JPMorgan Chase announced that it is being investigated by the United States Department of Justice over its offerings of mortgage-backed securities leading up to the financial crisis of 2007–08. The company said that the Department of justice had preliminarily concluded that the firm violated federal securities laws in offerings of subprime and Alt-A residential mortgage securities during the period 2005 to 2007.

Moreover, it is "Sons and Daughters" hiring program. In 2013, the SEC began an investigation of the bank's hiring practices in China. The bank allegedly made a practice of hiring the children of the Chinese ruling elite. Spreadsheets kept a record of how the hires led to business deals. The bank viewed this as a gateway to doing deals with state-owned companies.[82] The practice is felt to be widespread in the banking industry.[83]

Additionally, in July 2013, The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved a stipulation and consent agreement under which JPMorgan Ventures Energy Corporation (JPMVEC), a subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co., agreed to pay $410 million in penalties and disgorgement to ratepayers for allegations ofmarket manipulation stemming from the company’s bidding activities in electricity markets in California and the Midwest from September 2010 through November 2012. JPMVEC agreed to pay a civil penalty of $285 million to the U.S. Treasury and to disgorge $125 million in unjust profits. JPMVEC admitted the facts set forth in the agreement, but neither admitted nor denied the violations.
The case stemmed from multiple referrals to FERC from market monitors in 2011 and 2012 regarding JPMVEC’s bidding practices. FERC investigators determined that JPMVEC engaged in 12 manipulative bidding strategies designed to make profits from power plants that were usually out of the money in the marketplace. In each of them, the company made bids designed to create artificial conditions that forced California and Midcontinent Independent System Operators (ISOs) to pay JPMVEC outside the market at premium rates.

FERC investigators further determined that JPMVEC knew that the California ISO and Midcontinent ISO received no benefit from making inflated payments to the company, thereby defrauding the ISOs by obtaining payments for benefits that the company did not deliver beyond the routine provision of energy. FERC investigators also determined that JPMVEC's bids displaced other generation and altered day ahead and real-time prices from the prices that would have resulted had the company not submitted the bids.[78]
Under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Congress directed FERC to detect, prevent and appropriately sanction the gaming of energy markets. According to FERC, the Commission approved the settlement as in the public interest.[78]

Also, there is a risk that the company identify in upcoming fiscal year (2014) that may have an impact on its profitability.
In October 2014, JP Morgan sold its commodities trader unit to Mercuria for $800 million - a quarter of the initial valuation of $3.5 billion, as the transaction excluded some oil and metal stockpiles and other assets.[38]-M

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