
Populist Party--paper代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选paper代写范文:“Populist Party”  民粹主义者出现在19世纪晚期。这第三个政党起源于19世纪后期的美国。其起因来自农民’的不满和经济困境,不满的原因是由于美国的重心从农业转移到工业,并损害了农民的利益。

Populist Party There were a few reasons why the Populists emerged in the late 19th century. This third political party originated in America in the later part of the 19th century. This party was derived from farmer’s discontent and also an economic distress. The discontent was caused by the country’s shift from an agricultural and agrarian America to an America in which industrialists dominated the nation’s development. The public felt as if they had been cheated by the robber barons. These robber barons, a term given to those who took advantage of the middle and lower classes, legally took advantage of classes inferior to them. Vanderbilt, a well-known railroad baron once said, “Law! What do I care about the law' Hain’t I got the power'” The change from agrarian to industrial had a profound effect on everyone’s life.

The American Populist Party is based on the classical political ideology of the key Founding Fathers of the United States of America. It invokes natural rights as espoused by John Locke, and idealizes Rousseau's philosophy of the social contract. The party platform considers the US Constitution to be an affirmative grant of limited powers by the people to the federal government, for the express purpose of protecting the natural rights of individuals as well as the integrity and sovereignty of the several states. As such it emphasizes checks and balances and the separation and non-delegation of powers. The party platform adheres to the practical pillars of modern conservatism, including small government, fiscal sanity, a sound defense posture, and the preservation of individual rights and freedoms, but it rejects social conservatism in favor of libertarian social ideals. The platform emphasized the importance of limiting special interest influence in national politics, and advocates fiscal transparency through rigorous audits and oversight, as well as background checks for elected officials. The party's proposed Constitutional amendments were focused in three areas: fiscal limits on the federal government, restoring the balance of political power between the States and the federal government, and constraining the judiciary regarding the interpretation of the Constitution.

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