
Promote economic development

51due论文代写网作为业内最大的论文代写与留学文书申请机构,下面这篇是精选代写范文"Promote economic development",中国采取以下政策促进经济发展。促进农村和中西部发展,政府鼓励私人公司和关闭区域发展差距。政府声称,区域经济发展必须与资源环境承载能力进行调整,以经济建设为中心,以日本为联盟,利用高新技术发展新产业,发展外向型经济和教育,增强国家宏观调控,实现社会改革,消除生产关系中的消极因素。

1. China takes the following policies to foster economic development. Boosting rural and Midwest development, government encourages private companies and close the gap of regional development. The government claims that regional economic development must be adjusted with resources and environmental carrying capacity .For the Japan, the government focus on economic construction; the USA take Japan as an alliance in Asia; using high-tech to develop new industry; developing export-oriented economy and education; stronger national macro-control; carrying out social reform, eliminating the negative factors in the relations of production.

Korea strengthens the government control of the country, stipulating departments at all levels even village head that should be put forward the ultimate goals at the beginning of this year. Besides, the government also make reward and punish policies. If the officer can’t fulfill the task, he or she will be removed from office. Intensifying governmental administrative capacity and strengthening the train to workers and other staffs, the Korea is committed to enhance the level of knowledge and technology (Shabbir, 2003).  At the same time, government also follows the policy of reform and opening, introducing advanced technology from developed countries, such as Japan. The government will also support some private companies, because these companies can promote rural development.

The role of private companies and individual in China can be summarized as the followings. When government is overhaul its growth model , China takes the private companies as the engine to drive the economic development. Private enterprises play an important and irreplaceable role in Japan. Because it can attract large numbers of labor and satisfy the consumer’s needs of clothes, food, shelter, etc.

2. Since 1945,citizens in Japan, South Korea and the People’s Republic of China suffered too much. Chinese experienced the Cultural Revolution, which took place between 1966 to 1976 led by president Mao who was being used by others. The Cultural Revolution is a serious disaster political movement to Chinese. Many heroes died.

Some people used posters to protest against their government. Another example is the ten years civil war between the Kuomintang and Communist Party. Koreans have learned to speak out against government corruption; they use video recordings of law breaks to earn rewards from police. South Korea too suffered under dictatorships until 1987, although as a client state of  the United States, it had to bow to U.S. pressure on human rights issues (Kenneth, 1999). The dictators kept a number of industries under state control, encouraged the growth of conglomerates. In political, the government bans any democratic movements, assembly or demonstration activities. They often arrest or severely tortured those protesters. In 1980, April 15th, workers and students to demonstrate against dictatorship.

Several hundreds of Japanese demonstrated to against their leader Shinzo Abe. On June 30, About ten thousands Japanese gathered on the prime minister's office to express their opposition to Abe's move.

On July 13th,2014,many Japanese demonstrated before the parliament to against their government's policy of performing collective self-defence right.

 3. People’s Republic of China paid great price for the Korean war. About 183108 soldiers died, including president Mao’s eldest son. Korean war strengthens the national prestige and national sense of cohesion and pride. But at the same time, China loses the opportunity of takeover Taiwan. After China split with the Soviet Union in the early 1960s, it severely limited its contacts with the rest of the world. It provided some assistance to African countries and to Maoist revolutionary groups, but had too great a fear of spies to encourage people to maintain ties with relatives abroad.

In the Korean war, the Japan obtains the maximum economic benefits. When the war broke out, the America took Japan as the campaign rear base, they purchased military supplies in here, therefore, Japan were more prosperous than in 1945. Japan’s economic aggregate exceeded its highest level in 1951.

The biggest victims of Korean war is the ordinary people in Korea. The war has spilled over into the whole Korean Peninsula, the America bombarded continually, Korean economy was ravaged by war. Some people describe people’s living condition when the war is over,” people cannot find a integrated house, even bricks were impossible.”

4.The most controversial problem related to World War II is monetary damages in China. When Japan surrendered at the end of the War, China did not seek monetary damages.    

Another example is Diaoyu Island issue. Japan and China have contradictory about the sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands, which located in East China Sea.
Should Japan apologize for its World War II military brothels? On August 5th,2011,Japan announced to cancel the reports during 1991 to 1992,which proved Japanese soldiers used to raped many Korean women ,forced them to be "comfort girls".In 1945,Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan was attacked by nuclear attack and its bad influence remain alive today.

Comfort woman not only is a unsettled issue between America and Japan,but also for Korean.The Korean peninsula divided into two parts by force after WWII,until now,the two parts still cannot unified.

1. Park Chung Hee and Deng Xiaoping, they shared a lot in leadership. Both of them have achieved remarkable accomplishment by making the policy of economic development. However ,Park Chung Hee and Deng Xiaoping followed the opposite path. Deng Xiaoping advocates reform and open economic policies ,at the same time, maintaining the Communist system .Park Chung Hee wants to build the institutions of a peaceful ,independent ,democratic state ,he actively cultivate middle class.

2. After the World War II, the obstacles for China to reunification are the relationship between Taiwan and mainland. Taiwan cannot return to China. Both the North and South Korea want to unify the peninsula by force.When the WWII was over,according to the Yalta Conference,The Korean peninsula divided into two parts(ROK,DPRK).Kuomintang and the Communist Party broke out the civil war after WWII. Therefore,China formed two "states"(PRC,ROK).

3. The "Income Doubling Plan" actually is Japanese government break up plutocrats, the basic target for economic development is to increase the gross domestic product. Therefore, the government will raise standards of living and generate new jobs. The measure includes narrowing the gap between agriculture and non-agriculture, large enterprises and small businesses, different  regionals , etc. The "Income Doubling Plan" achieved great success. From 1960 to 1967, the national income has enjoyed great growth (Hendrik & Mage,1969). Finally, Japan's economic structure is steady and becomes a global economic superpower.

While the Chinese Cultural Revolution is totally a disaster for everyone. China's economy backwards ,economic structure was destroyed. Political, economy and people's living conditions was that all lag behind. Because of the Cultural Revolution, many students even teachers couldn't go to college after their graduation from high school and then they may took up farming for decades.

4. The core of Japan Communist Party is to break up plutocrats and get rid of U.S.-dominated diplomatic channels. They aim to achieve real democratic.

The Communist Party of China is the vanguard both of Chinese working class and of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. It is the core of leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and represents the development trend of China's advanced  productive forces, the orientation of China's advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. The realization of communism is the highest ideal and ultimate goal of the Party.

5. Students cried for the slogan: Down with U.S. imperialism. But they failed. Trotskyism began popular among students.In 1959,Japanese students started the Security struggle,aiming to against modification of Japan-U.S. security agreement.

While in Korea, students were suffered decades of poverty,violence,authoritarian,and disease,they were on the verge of totally fallen apart.Finally,students demanded to end the dictatorship by their leaders at that time. And finally they succeed.

6.In 1950,the America warring war against the Korean.Afterwards,the America was forced to accept the recommendation proposed by the Soviet Union that negotiated with Korean.The Korean military be ready at all times to defense the attack of America.After some considerable negotiation,on July 27th,1953,the Korea decided to sign the "Korea armistice agreement".But in 1953 May,the Japan tried to sent troops to occupy the Korean peninsula.The Japanese military was ambitious. Some militia volunteers were gathered and drive the Japanese military out.



