
My Personal Goals As A Student--essay代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“My Personal Goals As A Student”。这篇文章主要描述了作者想要成为菲尼克斯大学的学生,并制定了一些大学期间的目标和一些关于科学的学习兴趣,感觉大学的生活是一种对自己的磨练 能学好很多东西,以及对生活的体验。

My Personal Goals as a University of Phoenix Online Student My career as a student has had its ups and downs to put it mildly. Through a combination of personal tragedies, unclear goals, and sometimes pure laziness, I have worked my way through four different majors without a degree to show for any of them. One of my main goals for myself has already been accomplished: To finally find and stick with the career path that will make me happy. That is where the UOP comes in. After working in the computer industry for a short time, I realized that it was the place for me. It satisfies the technical and scientific interests that I have always held, and at the same time provides opportunities for me to express my creativity. With that realization out of the way, I now need to move my focus to more immediate goals relating to my education, also taking into account my new long-term goals and how I will accomplish them. Carter, Bishop, Kravits, Bradbury and Wheel (1999) struck a cord with me stating, “Often dreams and goals seem far off in time, too difficult, or even completely unreachable.” I used to believe that I had all the time in the world to settle down and accomplish my goals.

Now that thirty is looming large ahead of me, I am lamenting those wasted years. Beginning back to school seems a large and daunting task. Am I ever going to get through this' I’m sure I will, but it seems like such a long road ahead. To prevent myself from becoming too intimidated, I am learning to focus on my more immediate goals: 1. Be sure to meet my class participation requirements. 2. Do the assigned reading as soon as possible. 3. Plan to leave open time to begin rough outlines of upcoming assignments. Keeping these mini-goals in the forefront of my mind is helping to me to stay on track with the class and also acts a reason to congratulate myself as I accomplish each one. Another goal that I have set for myself is to develop a better balance between the different aspects of my life. Halsey (2002) states that, “It\'s all about handling effectively the hundreds of micro-decisions that we\'re faced with every day - every phone call, every note scribbled on a piece of paper, every item on a \'to do\' list. When you are in control, everything becomes easier.” This idea is crucial in helping me to make quality time available for school, work, family and my social life. For me this has been one of the most difficult things related to returning to school. I am also by nature the stereotypical procrastinator.

Whatever can be done now can just as easily be done later; after years of struggling I have resigned myself to the fact that this isn’t true. Carter et al. (1999) state that, “If continued over a period of time, procrastination can develop into a habit that will dominate a person’s behavior.” This rings too true with me. My family and friends generally notify me two to three weeks in advance of when they would like me to accomplish something, or they invent fake deadlines well ahead of the actual ones to ensure that I get the job accomplished. It is embarrassing to realize that this is happening, but up until this point, I have made no real effort to change. The time has now come. As much as I abhor the word because of its overuse at a government job I used to have, it is necessary for me to become proactive. Carter et al. (1999) give us a list of strategies to fight procrastination. The one that jumped out at me the most was not to expect perfection. While I am not a perfectionist in other areas of my life, I often find myself fighting against it when doing school work. While I know it’s impossible, I often expect to immediate understand everything and to know exactly where I am headed with this new information. I have made a decision to just get started and go from there. If I make a mistake I can always correct it later, or at least keep the mistake in mind for the next project so as not to do it again. As I implement these new strategies and goals for myself, I will keep in mind the long-term goals that they will help me accomplish. First and foremost, I want to obtain a degree for the self-satisfaction. Second, I want this degree to open the doors to new opportunities. These opportunities include financial opportunities as well as social, intellectual and even geographical.

Finally, an even broader goal that I hope my time at UOP help me to accomplish is to become a more disciplined person in terms of my time and my behavior. Hopefully, with the continuous use of the strategies listed above, I will be able to integrate them into my daily life and see improvements not only in my education but in the rest of my world also.

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