
The Analysis of Matigari--Essay代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选Essay代写范文:“The Analysis of Matigari”在小说Matigari中,在殖民者和侵略者的控制和统治之下,人们遭受着痛苦的折磨和苦难的生活,人们为了和平与公正,并且也为了理想的生活而不断进行武装反抗。这篇小说不紧反映着后殖民主义文学品的特点,同时最后也带有后现代的意味在里面。

They are someone who once lived under the control and domination of the colonists and settlers, suffering from the deeply painful government and experiences. They also are eager for the peace and justice and seek for the ideal life via certain means such as the armed struggle. Just as what was said in this novel 'Where can a person girded with a belt of peace find truth and justice in this world?'-----what I believe is the line that was echoed in almost every chapter of the book .

For some of them, they need to be confronted with the cruel fact---they were exploited brutally by the settlers who owned the machines and some other resources. They could do nothing except for bearing such colonial government and work for the colonists. Where  the justice and peace can be find in this way just as what were described in the book.  'I build my house with my own hands . But the Settler Williams slept in it and I would sleep outside on the vernada.I tended the estates that spread around the house for miles. But it was Settler Williams who took home the harvest. I was left to pick anything he might have left behind. I worked all the machines and in all the industries but it was Settler Williams who take the profits to the bank and i would end up with the cent that he flung away. ' thus , without the enough means of production, it might be difficult to achieve a equal distribution  and thus this injustice seems to be more justice and reasonable.

Also, besides such economic invasion, the spoil for the dignity and the crucial rule means is another story. The ruled have to endure the inhuman treatment from the ruler while the ruler almost could do anything they want to seek for the crucial happiness . Therefore, in the book, it was described that the two policemen set the dogs on a woman and the woman kneel on the ground because she was too weak to resist for the two ' birds and beasts' . It could be hard to image how inhuman they are-----' the dog would leave towards her, but each time its muzzle came close to her eyes, the policeman who held the lead restrained her.  Each time she stood up to retreat , the dog jumped at her, barking and growling as though it smelled blood ' . Bloody though the scene is , others respond to the fact in a more surprising way ' some people laughed ,seeming to find the spectacle highly entertaining' . Therefore, under that social backgrounds , anything could be found without any surprise because of the lose of humanity of the rulers and the lose of the peace and justice.

However, how to deal with such injustice from the colonial government and seek for the peace? Possibly the armed struggle might be exact answer through the Ngugi’s suggestions. That might be implying that we have to use force while we are faced with the injustice. And in the end of the book,when the hero and heroine die, can we imply that anyone who want to chase for the peace and justice need to be well prepared for the death?

It is my contention in this article that Matigari addresses the urgency of the polarised situation of post-colonial Kenya, not only by transgressing his former, materialist discourse, but by having only one story to tell and thereby distancing his narrative from the multiple stories of post-modern fiction. The final part of this article discusses the relationship between Matigari’s role as a prophet and the decentred, fragmentary voice of post-modern Literature.-M

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Equality Inclusivity and Diversity--论文代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“Equality Inclusivity and Diversity”本文讲述的是作为一个老师,以平等的包容性和多样性的学习方式可以帮助保持每个学生的高标准。对每一个人都一视同仁没有偏见,是作为一个老师的最重要的标准。以确保每个学生都享有平的的机会和尊重。
Equality Inclusivity and Diversity Every learner has different barriers to overcome, by acknowledging and respecting diversity we can help keep standards of equality and inlcusivity high for every individual learner, so that everyone is treated equally and without prejudice. As an instructor it is important when ground rules are applied to ensure every individual is given equal opportunity and respect awhilst learning. The ground rules should address and cover diversity creating a safe environment to satisfy learner needs this way contributions from everyone will be valued. Through out the prison establishment in buildings, corridors, and classrooms you see signs and posters promoting Equality, Inclusivity, and Diversity and where help can be found. when teaching prison staff in the use of Cell Snatch Rescue Equipment each persons abilities, doubts and fears need to be addressed. As adults are the ones who attended the course I try to take into consideration any problems they may have it could be family matters, medical conditions e.g. hearing impairment, problems with vision or speech, reading and writing concerns, physical disabilities so that support can be given what ever their need while they are attending the course, my commitment to all staff required to complete the course is that they gain the confidence, experience, qualification certificate needed for them to create a safe environment for themselves and other members of staff to work in with the knowledge they can react and deal with a cell fire possibly life threatening and do so in a safe and professional manner. Help is available within the establishment e.g. The Diversity Team concerns dealing with race, gender, disability or age The Care Team helping with personal issues giving guidance and advice Line Managers Education Department help with academic concerns Physical Education Instructors for health and fitness.-Y


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College Application Essay--论文代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“College Application Essay”本文作者从自己赴美留学这一近况以及一本书联想到种族平等、文化转变等镜像。“故事中的主要人物讲述了从一种文化到下一种文化的转变,特别是兄妹们的艰辛,不得不放弃他们的追求,以适应美国社会的平等。”

College Application Essay For the past two years, it has been a personal goal of mine to study abroad, specifically in the United States. A couple of months ago, for the first time, I began to have doubts about this. My classmates and I were assigned to read “A Daughter of Invention”, which is an excerpt from Julia Alvarez’s book “How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents”. The text talks about a Latin family forced to move to New York because of the existing dictatorship in their country. The main character in the story narrates this transition from one culture to the next, and the hardships the siblings in particular had to endure in their quest to fit in and become equal members of the American society. I was immediately interested in the story, especially because the family discussed in the story was Dominican, and I found that my values were not unlike those of the characters.

Fueled by this new doubt growing in me, I read the book. The family in the story captivated me, and their development in the American culture resulted even more fascinating. The four sisters the book describes were forced to adapt to a completely different culture and way of life and were subjected to discrimination numerous times due to their ethnic background. This journey the four Dominican girls went through and the rejection they were forced to undertake made me reconsider the only thing I thought I was sure I wanted. When I pondered about life as a student in the United States, I envisioned myself in a cultural metropolis where I enjoyed a healthy educational and social environment. It had never occurred to me that I could come to be a target of discrimination. Amidst my doubts, I found comfort in several factors. The first one is that the book is set several decades ago. Since then, racism has diminished and Hispanics have gotten to achieve certain equality. A second factor is that, whether it be by technology or globalization, I am exposed to the North American way of life and have developed a sort of biculturalism.

In other words, living in the United States would not represent such a new experience. The final and most important factor that helped me realize I should follow my goal was the author herself. She, as well as the family in the book, moved to North America and was forced to adapt to a completely opposite culture. What truly amazed and inspired me is that, in the end, she was able to do so. More importantly, she never let go of her Dominican roots.-M

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CEO's growth path--论文代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“CEO's growth path”本文主要讲了杰米戴蒙首席执行官1982年毕业于哈佛的商学院。据报道,他拒绝了斯坦利摩根、雷曼兄弟和戈德曼第一次就业的地方。在美国运通,他成为华尔街•桑福德威尔的传说门生。2000年三月,戴蒙成为美国第一银行首席执行官。摩根大通合并后成为COO后,从2006日起,杰米戴蒙正式接替威廉•大通哈里森成为新的首席执行官。他带领摩根大通银行在次贷危机中损失相对较小,直接进入美国运通。

Jamie Dimon is the CEO who graduated from the Harvard Business School in 1982. He reportedly refused to Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, and Goldman Sachs where he had the first time employment. During American Express, he became a legend on Wall Street • Sanford Weill's protege. In March 2000, Dimon became the first US bank CEO. Dimon, JPMorgan Chase after the merger became COO post, from 2006 onwards, Jamie Dimon officially succeed William • JPMorgan Chase Harrison and became the new CEO. He led JPMorgan Chase Bank in the subprime mortgage crisis in a relatively small loss. directly into the American Express. He reportedly refused to Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, and his graduate student during the internship at Goldman Sachs had the first time employment. During American Express, he became a legend on Wall Street • Sanford Weill's protege. March 2000 Dimon became the first US bank CEO. Dimon, JPMorgan Chase after the merger became COO post, from 2006 onwards, Jamie Dimon officially succeed William •JPMorgan Chase Harrison and  became the new CEO. He led JPMorgan Chase Bank in the subprime mortgage crisis in a relatively small loss.

Born in Glasgow, Andrew Crockett was educated at Queens' College, Cambridge and Yale University. He joined the Bank of England in 1966, and the International Monetary Fund in 1972. He was an Executive Director of the Bank of England from 1989–93, before becoming General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in 1994. After retiring from the BIS in 2003, he joined JPMorgan Chase, the U.S. banking firm, where he was Special Advisor to the Chairman and a member of the Executive Committee until shortly before his death.

There are three events that occurred in fiscal year for which the report is prepared (2013) that had an impact on the company’s profitability.

First of all, it is mortgage-backed securities sales. In August 2013, JPMorgan Chase announced that it is being investigated by the United States Department of Justice over its offerings of mortgage-backed securities leading up to the financial crisis of 2007–08. The company said that the Department of justice had preliminarily concluded that the firm violated federal securities laws in offerings of subprime and Alt-A residential mortgage securities during the period 2005 to 2007.

Moreover, it is "Sons and Daughters" hiring program. In 2013, the SEC began an investigation of the bank's hiring practices in China. The bank allegedly made a practice of hiring the children of the Chinese ruling elite. Spreadsheets kept a record of how the hires led to business deals. The bank viewed this as a gateway to doing deals with state-owned companies.[82] The practice is felt to be widespread in the banking industry.[83]

Additionally, in July 2013, The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved a stipulation and consent agreement under which JPMorgan Ventures Energy Corporation (JPMVEC), a subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co., agreed to pay $410 million in penalties and disgorgement to ratepayers for allegations ofmarket manipulation stemming from the company’s bidding activities in electricity markets in California and the Midwest from September 2010 through November 2012. JPMVEC agreed to pay a civil penalty of $285 million to the U.S. Treasury and to disgorge $125 million in unjust profits. JPMVEC admitted the facts set forth in the agreement, but neither admitted nor denied the violations.
The case stemmed from multiple referrals to FERC from market monitors in 2011 and 2012 regarding JPMVEC’s bidding practices. FERC investigators determined that JPMVEC engaged in 12 manipulative bidding strategies designed to make profits from power plants that were usually out of the money in the marketplace. In each of them, the company made bids designed to create artificial conditions that forced California and Midcontinent Independent System Operators (ISOs) to pay JPMVEC outside the market at premium rates.

FERC investigators further determined that JPMVEC knew that the California ISO and Midcontinent ISO received no benefit from making inflated payments to the company, thereby defrauding the ISOs by obtaining payments for benefits that the company did not deliver beyond the routine provision of energy. FERC investigators also determined that JPMVEC's bids displaced other generation and altered day ahead and real-time prices from the prices that would have resulted had the company not submitted the bids.[78]
Under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Congress directed FERC to detect, prevent and appropriately sanction the gaming of energy markets. According to FERC, the Commission approved the settlement as in the public interest.[78]

Also, there is a risk that the company identify in upcoming fiscal year (2014) that may have an impact on its profitability.
In October 2014, JP Morgan sold its commodities trader unit to Mercuria for $800 million - a quarter of the initial valuation of $3.5 billion, as the transaction excluded some oil and metal stockpiles and other assets.[38]-M

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The Analysis of Matigari--Essay代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选Essay代写范文:“The Analysis of Matigari”在小说Matigari中,在殖民者和侵略者的控制和统治之下,人们遭受着痛苦的折磨和苦难的生活,人们为了和平与公正,并且也为了理想的生活而不断进行武装反抗。这篇小说不紧反映着后殖民主义文学品的特点,同时最后也带有后现代的意味在里面。

They are someone who once lived under the control and domination of the colonists and settlers, suffering from the deeply painful government and experiences. They also are eager for the peace and justice and seek for the ideal life via certain means such as the armed struggle. Just as what was said in this novel 'Where can a person girded with a belt of peace find truth and justice in this world?'-----what I believe is the line that was echoed in almost every chapter of the book .

For some of them, they need to be confronted with the cruel fact---they were exploited brutally by the settlers who owned the machines and some other resources. They could do nothing except for bearing such colonial government and work for the colonists. Where  the justice and peace can be find in this way just as what were described in the book.  'I build my house with my own hands . But the Settler Williams slept in it and I would sleep outside on the vernada.I tended the estates that spread around the house for miles. But it was Settler Williams who took home the harvest. I was left to pick anything he might have left behind. I worked all the machines and in all the industries but it was Settler Williams who take the profits to the bank and i would end up with the cent that he flung away. ' thus , without the enough means of production, it might be difficult to achieve a equal distribution  and thus this injustice seems to be more justice and reasonable.

Also, besides such economic invasion, the spoil for the dignity and the crucial rule means is another story. The ruled have to endure the inhuman treatment from the ruler while the ruler almost could do anything they want to seek for the crucial happiness . Therefore, in the book, it was described that the two policemen set the dogs on a woman and the woman kneel on the ground because she was too weak to resist for the two ' birds and beasts' . It could be hard to image how inhuman they are-----' the dog would leave towards her, but each time its muzzle came close to her eyes, the policeman who held the lead restrained her.  Each time she stood up to retreat , the dog jumped at her, barking and growling as though it smelled blood ' . Bloody though the scene is , others respond to the fact in a more surprising way ' some people laughed ,seeming to find the spectacle highly entertaining' . Therefore, under that social backgrounds , anything could be found without any surprise because of the lose of humanity of the rulers and the lose of the peace and justice.

However, how to deal with such injustice from the colonial government and seek for the peace? Possibly the armed struggle might be exact answer through the Ngugi’s suggestions. That might be implying that we have to use force while we are faced with the injustice. And in the end of the book,when the hero and heroine die, can we imply that anyone who want to chase for the peace and justice need to be well prepared for the death?

It is my contention in this article that Matigari addresses the urgency of the polarised situation of post-colonial Kenya, not only by transgressing his former, materialist discourse, but by having only one story to tell and thereby distancing his narrative from the multiple stories of post-modern fiction. The final part of this article discusses the relationship between Matigari’s role as a prophet and the decentred, fragmentary voice of post-modern Literature.-M

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Womens Roles--英国论文代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“Womens Roles”。历史的长河中,女性角色多为悲惨的人物,本篇论文里的主人公也不例外。作者将麦乐夫人描绘成一个无力、脆弱的角色,在她丈夫“死去”之后,心脏病突发去世。但故事的结果却是,麦乐夫人的丈夫并没有死去,所引发的让人深思的故事。

Throughout history the roles of women has changed dramatically. Women have been enslaved, put down and their rights taken away from them. Women have slowly but surly evolved into the individuals ones sees today in public office, law firms or even the five o’ clock news.

However this evolution did not occur over night, it took time and can be made apparent in places one might not think to look. The roles of women in short stories have changed from a typical voiceless human being to one that dominates a story. In the short story “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, the character Mrs. Mallard demonstrates a transformation that is necessary for a woman to have.

The character Mrs. Mallard defies the traditional role of women in the 1800’s. In the beginning of the short story Mrs. Mallard is depicted as a weak and fragile woman who suffered from heart trouble. When the news of Mrs. Mallard’s husband’s death was made apparent, Richards, a family friend and Mrs. Mallard’s sister were very delicate in the way they broke the news to her. Once the news was broken to her, it seemed as if Mrs. Mallard would act to her husband’s death in the traditional way “ she wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sisters arm” . However, Ms. Mallard defies the traditional role of the women by overcoming the feeling of sadness and instead replacing it with the feeling of joy. Mrs. Mallard realizes that her husband’s death should not be seen as an atrocity but instead as an act of freedom. This is made apparent by the words Mrs. Mallard uttered to herself in the room; she gradually lets the words “free, free, free!” escape from! her mouth. This act relinquishes Mrs. Mallard from the subservient role she played for her husband and into her own person. To some Mrs. Mallards reaction to her husband’s death may have seemed distasteful but to others it is seen as a step in the right direction. Mrs. Mallard is not joyful about her husband’s death but joyful about the newborn freedom she receives with the news. This is shown by her thoughts later on “she knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind, tender hands folded in death” .

However in the same paragraph her husband’s feelings about her are made obvious with the line “…the face [Mr. Mallard’s] that had never looked save with love upon her”. One can assume that Mr. Mallard never really expressed his love towards his wife that left her with these feelings inside. Mrs. Mallard’s reaction is just a woman freeing herself of the oppression her husband has placed on her. Through the course of the story, Mrs. Mallard developed from a weak individual to someone who just gaining a sense of self. Mrs. Mallard started looking into the future, a future that she would live for herself “She saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely. And then she opened and spread out her arms out to them in welcome” . Mrs. Mallard turned from powerless to someone who had absolute power in all of about 10 minutes. The character of Mrs. Mallard exhibits the conscious and subconscious feeling that women hold towards men. The reaction Mrs. Mallard has to her husband’s death should not be viewed upon as appalling or viscous but as liberating. Mrs. Mallards feeling that “there would be no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself” is the feeling women should have while there husband are alive, women should not have to wait for a man to die in order t gain some sense of independence .

When Mrs. Mallard discovers that her husband is indeed alive, she dies of heart disease. The doctor diagnosed her death as “a joy that kills”, however one can assume her death was provoked by the realization that her newfound freedom was suddenly gone. In the short story “The Story of an Hour”, the main character Mrs. Mallard, develops into her own person in a short matter of time. The death of her husband made her realize that she was living life for the wrong person; instead of living it for herself she was living it for her husband. Throughout the story Mrs. Mallard transcends from Mrs. Mallard to Josephine, her name. With the surprising sight of her husband came the realization that she was about to transform from Josephine back to Mrs. Mallard.

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Native Americans--论文代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“Native Americans ” 本论文对美国原住民的含义做了解释。美洲原住民是指那些土著居民,包含了不同的部落,国家和民族。
Native Americans (also Aboriginal Peoples, Aboriginal Americans, American Indians, Amerindians, Amerind, Indians, First Nations, First Peoples, Native Canadians, or Indigenous Peoples of America) are those peoples indigenous to the Americas, living there prior to European colonization. This term encompasses a large number of distinct tribes, states, and ethnic groups, many of them still enduring as political communities.
The terms "Amerindian" and "Indian", both of which are derivatives of "American Indian" (as is "Amerind", though this term is more popular in linguistic circles), are not necessarily completely synonymous with "Native American". Although all Amerindians are Native Americans, not all Native Americans are Amerindians. "Amerindian" relates to a mega-group of people spanning the Americas that are related in culture and genetics, and are quite distinct from the later arriving Eskimos (Inuit, Yupik, and Aleut peoples native to Alaska and arctic Canada). The latter share their cultural and genetic commonality with other arctic peoples not native to the American continent, such as those from arctic Russian Siberia.
The same distinction is made in Canada, where the term First Nations applies only to Native Canadians who belong to the same cultural and genetic mega-group of Amerindians mentioned above. The Canadian First Nations specifically exclude the Inuit and Inuvialuit in the north, although these are included in the terms "First Peoples" and "Native Canadians". First Peoples are enshrined in the Canadian Constitution with various treaty rights, some long established and many more currently under negotiation.
The term Native American may be construed to either include or exclude the Metis of Canada and the Mestizos and Zambos of Latin America.
Other indigenous peoples that are native to territorial possesions of American countries but are not specifically "Native American" (in the sense that they are not native to the actual lands that comprise the American continent) are a diversity of Pacific Islanders including: Native Hawaiians (also known as Kanaka M oli and Kanaka 'Oiwi) in the US state of Hawaii, natives of American Samoa (USA) and natives of Easter Island (Chile).-X

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Populist Party--paper代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选paper代写范文:“Populist Party”  民粹主义者出现在19世纪晚期。这第三个政党起源于19世纪后期的美国。其起因来自农民’的不满和经济困境,不满的原因是由于美国的重心从农业转移到工业,并损害了农民的利益。

Populist Party There were a few reasons why the Populists emerged in the late 19th century. This third political party originated in America in the later part of the 19th century. This party was derived from farmer’s discontent and also an economic distress. The discontent was caused by the country’s shift from an agricultural and agrarian America to an America in which industrialists dominated the nation’s development. The public felt as if they had been cheated by the robber barons. These robber barons, a term given to those who took advantage of the middle and lower classes, legally took advantage of classes inferior to them. Vanderbilt, a well-known railroad baron once said, “Law! What do I care about the law' Hain’t I got the power'” The change from agrarian to industrial had a profound effect on everyone’s life.

The American Populist Party is based on the classical political ideology of the key Founding Fathers of the United States of America. It invokes natural rights as espoused by John Locke, and idealizes Rousseau's philosophy of the social contract. The party platform considers the US Constitution to be an affirmative grant of limited powers by the people to the federal government, for the express purpose of protecting the natural rights of individuals as well as the integrity and sovereignty of the several states. As such it emphasizes checks and balances and the separation and non-delegation of powers. The party platform adheres to the practical pillars of modern conservatism, including small government, fiscal sanity, a sound defense posture, and the preservation of individual rights and freedoms, but it rejects social conservatism in favor of libertarian social ideals. The platform emphasized the importance of limiting special interest influence in national politics, and advocates fiscal transparency through rigorous audits and oversight, as well as background checks for elected officials. The party's proposed Constitutional amendments were focused in three areas: fiscal limits on the federal government, restoring the balance of political power between the States and the federal government, and constraining the judiciary regarding the interpretation of the Constitution.

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expanding American--Paper代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“Florence Nightingale ”在1840年,美国领土面积不断扩大。这种扩张是因为美国认为应该将自身的自由形式的联邦扩散到其他地区,它实际上是种族主义和帝国主义。

Manifest Destiny Was An Aggresive Imperialistic Ideology. America in the 1840s was a rapidly expanding and growing nation. With this expansion came the notion that America should share its free form of federal government with the rest of the world. This ardent conviction was the basis of the ideology called Manifest Destiny. If enlightening the world was the goal, then expansion was the means. Although the general consensus among Americans was that Manifest Destiny was a kindly movement, it was in fact aggressive, racist, and imperialistic. The Manifest Destiny was driven by these factors and pursued at the expense of others. Some examples of this twisted ideology are the American acquisition and settlement of the Oregon country, America causing the Texan subversion of Mexico, and the war between America and Mexico. American expansion into the Oregon country was a crusade to convert the native population to Protestant Christianity, bring in more American settlers, and to eventually annex the area to America. The Oregon country consisted of what are now the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and parts of Montana, Wyoming, and British Columbia. This area had been jointly occupied by America and Britain since 1818, after the two nations signed a mexico.

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My Personal Goals As A Student--essay代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“My Personal Goals As A Student”。这篇文章主要描述了作者想要成为菲尼克斯大学的学生,并制定了一些大学期间的目标和一些关于科学的学习兴趣,感觉大学的生活是一种对自己的磨练 能学好很多东西,以及对生活的体验。

My Personal Goals as a University of Phoenix Online Student My career as a student has had its ups and downs to put it mildly. Through a combination of personal tragedies, unclear goals, and sometimes pure laziness, I have worked my way through four different majors without a degree to show for any of them. One of my main goals for myself has already been accomplished: To finally find and stick with the career path that will make me happy. That is where the UOP comes in. After working in the computer industry for a short time, I realized that it was the place for me. It satisfies the technical and scientific interests that I have always held, and at the same time provides opportunities for me to express my creativity. With that realization out of the way, I now need to move my focus to more immediate goals relating to my education, also taking into account my new long-term goals and how I will accomplish them. Carter, Bishop, Kravits, Bradbury and Wheel (1999) struck a cord with me stating, “Often dreams and goals seem far off in time, too difficult, or even completely unreachable.” I used to believe that I had all the time in the world to settle down and accomplish my goals.

Now that thirty is looming large ahead of me, I am lamenting those wasted years. Beginning back to school seems a large and daunting task. Am I ever going to get through this' I’m sure I will, but it seems like such a long road ahead. To prevent myself from becoming too intimidated, I am learning to focus on my more immediate goals: 1. Be sure to meet my class participation requirements. 2. Do the assigned reading as soon as possible. 3. Plan to leave open time to begin rough outlines of upcoming assignments. Keeping these mini-goals in the forefront of my mind is helping to me to stay on track with the class and also acts a reason to congratulate myself as I accomplish each one. Another goal that I have set for myself is to develop a better balance between the different aspects of my life. Halsey (2002) states that, “It\'s all about handling effectively the hundreds of micro-decisions that we\'re faced with every day - every phone call, every note scribbled on a piece of paper, every item on a \'to do\' list. When you are in control, everything becomes easier.” This idea is crucial in helping me to make quality time available for school, work, family and my social life. For me this has been one of the most difficult things related to returning to school. I am also by nature the stereotypical procrastinator.

Whatever can be done now can just as easily be done later; after years of struggling I have resigned myself to the fact that this isn’t true. Carter et al. (1999) state that, “If continued over a period of time, procrastination can develop into a habit that will dominate a person’s behavior.” This rings too true with me. My family and friends generally notify me two to three weeks in advance of when they would like me to accomplish something, or they invent fake deadlines well ahead of the actual ones to ensure that I get the job accomplished. It is embarrassing to realize that this is happening, but up until this point, I have made no real effort to change. The time has now come. As much as I abhor the word because of its overuse at a government job I used to have, it is necessary for me to become proactive. Carter et al. (1999) give us a list of strategies to fight procrastination. The one that jumped out at me the most was not to expect perfection. While I am not a perfectionist in other areas of my life, I often find myself fighting against it when doing school work. While I know it’s impossible, I often expect to immediate understand everything and to know exactly where I am headed with this new information. I have made a decision to just get started and go from there. If I make a mistake I can always correct it later, or at least keep the mistake in mind for the next project so as not to do it again. As I implement these new strategies and goals for myself, I will keep in mind the long-term goals that they will help me accomplish. First and foremost, I want to obtain a degree for the self-satisfaction. Second, I want this degree to open the doors to new opportunities. These opportunities include financial opportunities as well as social, intellectual and even geographical.

Finally, an even broader goal that I hope my time at UOP help me to accomplish is to become a more disciplined person in terms of my time and my behavior. Hopefully, with the continuous use of the strategies listed above, I will be able to integrate them into my daily life and see improvements not only in my education but in the rest of my world also.

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Statement Of Purpose--essay代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“Statement Of Purpose”。因为一个小小的试验,让我喜欢上了计算机,而因为喜爱,让我从事了这个行业。从事这个行业让我获得了更多相关的知识,以及实现了更多的人生价值。

I remember the day as if it were yesterday. During my second year in college, I was attempting to transmit a group of haracters comprising my name from one computer to another. I connected the computers using RS-232 cable, wrote the necessary programs and executed them. I typed my name on one terminal and rushed to the other to see the results. "Wow, this is magic!" I exclaimed as I read 'Tom' on the screen. While I realized intuitively that a complex version of this elementary network could achieve much, at the time I had no real idea what.

Now, four years later, I know that Networking makes possible a plethora of applications, from video-conferencing over the Internet to linking banks through private networks. It still seems like magic. Or rather, a grand adventure - one that I most certainly want to be part of. My interest in applied science dates back to my school days. During high school, I was fascinated with electronic gadgets. Soon thereafter, designing and building basic circuits started as a hobby. Along the way, however, I realized that the problem-solving aspect of making electronic gadgets was what I enjoyed the most. Engineering was a natural career choice after this. During my undergraduate studies at the Electronics & Communication department of M.K. College of Engineering, subjects like Microprocessors, C-Programming, Computer Networks interested me the most.

I was awestruck by the potential of Intel 8086 microprocessor, more so by the manner in which its faster and more powerful cousins revolutionized the working of computers in a decade. I was now determined to focus on microprocessors during my Final Year project. I elected to do the project at National Space Research Organization (NSRO) as it has an outstanding infrastructure setup and a stimulating, world-class research environment. This enabled me to work with some of the best minds dedicated to engineering research in my country. I gained a lot from this association - in particular, an idea of how rewarding and meaningful a career in research could be. The more tangible benefits have been a deeper insight into architecture and working of microprocessors and thorough C-programming skills.

Sometimes I spent more than ten hours a day at NSRO, reading manuals and troubleshooting circuits and debugging code. I am glad to say the effort paid off in the end. Mr. Tendulkar, my project guide, deemed the results of my project to be most valuable. The interface card that I designed was later added to NSRO's Spacecraft Interface Simulator (SIS) systems. This project was the highlight of my academic career. Most importantly, I left NSRO with the decision to study advanced computing. During my first job at Neville Engineering and Locomotive Co. (NELCO), I developed a real-time monitoring system for the Molding Line in Foundry. Success on this project gave me the confidence to provide software solutions to real-life problems.

Although I liked the job, software development at NELCO was a support function. I therefore switched to Mohinder Belgian Telecom Ltd. (MBT), a multinational company providing software solutions in wide-ranging fields, telecommunications being its forte. At MBT, I have been involved with Project ART, Belgian Telecom's new front-end system providing intelligent access to its Customer Service System (CSS). Working on this project has helped me hone my programming skills on real-life problems. I developed an appreciation of 'the big picture', and conversely how important details are. I also discovered leadership skills in myself, and frequently assisted colleagues who had little or no background in computers. As an outcome of this, the company asked me to take occasional seminars on Operating Systems and C-Programming for my colleagues. I have been appointed Team Leader within a year and today, I independently look after enhancements and maintenance of three modules out of the sixteen in Project ART. During my work on project ART at MBT and through my interaction with colleagues, I have grown to admire the role of Computer Networks in empowering end-users. I am not directly involved with Computer Networks in my job, but through avid reading of periodicals and journals like 'Network World', I have sustained my interest in the field. In fact, after reading about the immense potential of path-breaking protocols such as 'Multicast' and applications like 'Voice Over IP' and 'Virtual Private Networks', I cannot help but feel excited about the potential for new research in this area. While my present job has helped me develop a thorough insight into project handling, the industry environment that I am currently in cannot support my desire for research.

I possess industry-hardened skills in Computers, but I must build on these to achieve my goal of undertaking cutting-edge research in advanced computing, with specific reference to Computer Networks. I therefore believe that I must return to the academic world for further growth. I wish to earn an MS degree in Computer Science. I intend to follow this up with a Ph.D., and later, a career in research and teaching. I have spoken to my professors, seniors and colleagues about my choice of University, and have applied to Princeton University because it is reputable for its research facilities and computing resources. The department web site revealed a very strong faculty involved in extensive research in the area of Computer Networks. This has strengthened my resolve to study at Princeton University. I bring along a strong grasp of fundamentals in Electronics and Computers, an aptitude for teaching and team work, a zest for challenges and an enthusiastic desire to learn all I can. I would like to take with me, in addition to knowledge of Computer Networks, a network of strong and lasting relationships with my teachers and fellow-students. I hope that my background and qualifications are found suitable for an MS in Computer Science at Princeton University.

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Motivation To Seek College Education

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“Motivation To Seek College Education”。关于为什么要读大学这个问题,有的人会说想要找一份好工作,有的人会说想获取更多知识,或者其它。其实上大学不仅仅是为了获取知识,同时也是人生的一种全新体验,只有当你真正身在其中,你才会发现其中的乐趣,甚至会爱上它。

What motivates me to seek a college education' In addition, why Berea College is a good choice for me. The last couple of years have been a long bumpy ride for me, as they have for everyone my age. No matter what, everyone has experienced many of the same “teenage” circumstances as I have and has dealt with them in their own way.

As a personal participant in this “game”, we call life, I would say I worked hard for and earned first place.That is just my creative view on things. Too bad, not everyone sees it in the same light as I do. As a student, I am an active participant in my academic and extracurricular activities. My first priority has always been to make good grades and learn in school. Although this is important to me, I also know that by participating in clubs, sports, and after school activities, I will become a well-rounded student.

During the past years of my high school career I have participated and received awards in the following: Cheerleading (eight years), twice as captain, ’97 -’98 Varsity Letter in Cheerleading, ’98 AIM scholar, Who’s Who Among American Cheerleaders, and ’98 Academic Excellence Award while participating in Virginia High School League Interscholastic Activities. I also belonged to the following clubs: S.A.D.D. club (two years), second year as secretary, Pep Club, Varsity Club, Choir Club, and Computer Club. In the year ’99 -’00 I received awards in the following classes: Computer Applications, Spanish I, World Geography, and Advanced Algebra/Trigonometry. I also received an award for Most Encouraging Student. I currently belong to the Hiking and Outdoor Club, Ski Club, Pep Club, and Environmental Awareness Club. In addition, this year I participate in a program called Read With A Friend. In this program I, along with a group of other students, go to the near by elementary school to read to a class of students from kindergarten to fifth grade. In order to gain an understanding of independence and responsibility, I have held summer jobs in the preceding three years. I also worked to help myself financially in boarding school, insurance, a car, everyday necessities, and soon in college. My first summer job was at the Moonlite Drive In Theater. My second was at McDonalds, and my past summer job was at Dairy Queen. I also work currently at Dairy Queen during my long breaks from boarding school. I am thankful for these job experiences. They have prepared me mentally and financially. This is important in that I am now more mature and responsible; which helps me not to be weary of the future but to look forward to it.

I am glad to have acquired a taste of what the real world has to offer. I have learned many lessons from my public high school, boarding school, and work experiences. I am now ready to learn many more lessons through my college experience. Although, it has been tough, I have made it this far. I am prepared to excel and make it much further in the years to come with my college education. This evolving positive outlook has reassured me and has given me the motivation I need to become successful. I never give up. When I am determined to achieve, “I shoot for the moon and land amongst the stars”(unknown). I hope that by reading this you will also see that I am prepared to embark on my journey to a new world, the world of Berea College.

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Native Americans--论文代写范文精选

51due论文代写网精选代写范文:“Native Americans ” 本论文对美国原住民的含义做了解释。美洲原住民是指那些土著居民,包含了不同的部落,国家和民族。
Native Americans (also Aboriginal Peoples, Aboriginal Americans, American Indians, Amerindians, Amerind, Indians, First Nations, First Peoples, Native Canadians, or Indigenous Peoples of America) are those peoples indigenous to the Americas, living there prior to European colonization. This term encompasses a large number of distinct tribes, states, and ethnic groups, many of them still enduring as political communities.
The terms "Amerindian" and "Indian", both of which are derivatives of "American Indian" (as is "Amerind", though this term is more popular in linguistic circles), are not necessarily completely synonymous with "Native American". Although all Amerindians are Native Americans, not all Native Americans are Amerindians. "Amerindian" relates to a mega-group of people spanning the Americas that are related in culture and genetics, and are quite distinct from the later arriving Eskimos (Inuit, Yupik, and Aleut peoples native to Alaska and arctic Canada). The latter share their cultural and genetic commonality with other arctic peoples not native to the American continent, such as those from arctic Russian Siberia.
The same distinction is made in Canada, where the term First Nations applies only to Native Canadians who belong to the same cultural and genetic mega-group of Amerindians mentioned above. The Canadian First Nations specifically exclude the Inuit and Inuvialuit in the north, although these are included in the terms "First Peoples" and "Native Canadians". First Peoples are enshrined in the Canadian Constitution with various treaty rights, some long established and many more currently under negotiation.
The term Native American may be construed to either include or exclude the Metis of Canada and the Mestizos and Zambos of Latin America.
Other indigenous peoples that are native to territorial possesions of American countries but are not specifically "Native American" (in the sense that they are not native to the actual lands that comprise the American continent) are a diversity of Pacific Islanders including: Native Hawaiians (also known as Kanaka M oli and Kanaka 'Oiwi) in the US state of Hawaii, natives of American Samoa (USA) and natives of Easter Island (Chile).-X

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Promote economic development

51due论文代写网作为业内最大的论文代写与留学文书申请机构,下面这篇是精选代写范文"Promote economic development",中国采取以下政策促进经济发展。促进农村和中西部发展,政府鼓励私人公司和关闭区域发展差距。政府声称,区域经济发展必须与资源环境承载能力进行调整,以经济建设为中心,以日本为联盟,利用高新技术发展新产业,发展外向型经济和教育,增强国家宏观调控,实现社会改革,消除生产关系中的消极因素。

1. China takes the following policies to foster economic development. Boosting rural and Midwest development, government encourages private companies and close the gap of regional development. The government claims that regional economic development must be adjusted with resources and environmental carrying capacity .For the Japan, the government focus on economic construction; the USA take Japan as an alliance in Asia; using high-tech to develop new industry; developing export-oriented economy and education; stronger national macro-control; carrying out social reform, eliminating the negative factors in the relations of production.

Korea strengthens the government control of the country, stipulating departments at all levels even village head that should be put forward the ultimate goals at the beginning of this year. Besides, the government also make reward and punish policies. If the officer can’t fulfill the task, he or she will be removed from office. Intensifying governmental administrative capacity and strengthening the train to workers and other staffs, the Korea is committed to enhance the level of knowledge and technology (Shabbir, 2003).  At the same time, government also follows the policy of reform and opening, introducing advanced technology from developed countries, such as Japan. The government will also support some private companies, because these companies can promote rural development.

The role of private companies and individual in China can be summarized as the followings. When government is overhaul its growth model , China takes the private companies as the engine to drive the economic development. Private enterprises play an important and irreplaceable role in Japan. Because it can attract large numbers of labor and satisfy the consumer’s needs of clothes, food, shelter, etc.

2. Since 1945,citizens in Japan, South Korea and the People’s Republic of China suffered too much. Chinese experienced the Cultural Revolution, which took place between 1966 to 1976 led by president Mao who was being used by others. The Cultural Revolution is a serious disaster political movement to Chinese. Many heroes died.

Some people used posters to protest against their government. Another example is the ten years civil war between the Kuomintang and Communist Party. Koreans have learned to speak out against government corruption; they use video recordings of law breaks to earn rewards from police. South Korea too suffered under dictatorships until 1987, although as a client state of  the United States, it had to bow to U.S. pressure on human rights issues (Kenneth, 1999). The dictators kept a number of industries under state control, encouraged the growth of conglomerates. In political, the government bans any democratic movements, assembly or demonstration activities. They often arrest or severely tortured those protesters. In 1980, April 15th, workers and students to demonstrate against dictatorship.

Several hundreds of Japanese demonstrated to against their leader Shinzo Abe. On June 30, About ten thousands Japanese gathered on the prime minister's office to express their opposition to Abe's move.

On July 13th,2014,many Japanese demonstrated before the parliament to against their government's policy of performing collective self-defence right.

 3. People’s Republic of China paid great price for the Korean war. About 183108 soldiers died, including president Mao’s eldest son. Korean war strengthens the national prestige and national sense of cohesion and pride. But at the same time, China loses the opportunity of takeover Taiwan. After China split with the Soviet Union in the early 1960s, it severely limited its contacts with the rest of the world. It provided some assistance to African countries and to Maoist revolutionary groups, but had too great a fear of spies to encourage people to maintain ties with relatives abroad.

In the Korean war, the Japan obtains the maximum economic benefits. When the war broke out, the America took Japan as the campaign rear base, they purchased military supplies in here, therefore, Japan were more prosperous than in 1945. Japan’s economic aggregate exceeded its highest level in 1951.

The biggest victims of Korean war is the ordinary people in Korea. The war has spilled over into the whole Korean Peninsula, the America bombarded continually, Korean economy was ravaged by war. Some people describe people’s living condition when the war is over,” people cannot find a integrated house, even bricks were impossible.”

4.The most controversial problem related to World War II is monetary damages in China. When Japan surrendered at the end of the War, China did not seek monetary damages.    

Another example is Diaoyu Island issue. Japan and China have contradictory about the sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands, which located in East China Sea.
Should Japan apologize for its World War II military brothels? On August 5th,2011,Japan announced to cancel the reports during 1991 to 1992,which proved Japanese soldiers used to raped many Korean women ,forced them to be "comfort girls".In 1945,Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan was attacked by nuclear attack and its bad influence remain alive today.

Comfort woman not only is a unsettled issue between America and Japan,but also for Korean.The Korean peninsula divided into two parts by force after WWII,until now,the two parts still cannot unified.

1. Park Chung Hee and Deng Xiaoping, they shared a lot in leadership. Both of them have achieved remarkable accomplishment by making the policy of economic development. However ,Park Chung Hee and Deng Xiaoping followed the opposite path. Deng Xiaoping advocates reform and open economic policies ,at the same time, maintaining the Communist system .Park Chung Hee wants to build the institutions of a peaceful ,independent ,democratic state ,he actively cultivate middle class.

2. After the World War II, the obstacles for China to reunification are the relationship between Taiwan and mainland. Taiwan cannot return to China. Both the North and South Korea want to unify the peninsula by force.When the WWII was over,according to the Yalta Conference,The Korean peninsula divided into two parts(ROK,DPRK).Kuomintang and the Communist Party broke out the civil war after WWII. Therefore,China formed two "states"(PRC,ROK).

3. The "Income Doubling Plan" actually is Japanese government break up plutocrats, the basic target for economic development is to increase the gross domestic product. Therefore, the government will raise standards of living and generate new jobs. The measure includes narrowing the gap between agriculture and non-agriculture, large enterprises and small businesses, different  regionals , etc. The "Income Doubling Plan" achieved great success. From 1960 to 1967, the national income has enjoyed great growth (Hendrik & Mage,1969). Finally, Japan's economic structure is steady and becomes a global economic superpower.

While the Chinese Cultural Revolution is totally a disaster for everyone. China's economy backwards ,economic structure was destroyed. Political, economy and people's living conditions was that all lag behind. Because of the Cultural Revolution, many students even teachers couldn't go to college after their graduation from high school and then they may took up farming for decades.

4. The core of Japan Communist Party is to break up plutocrats and get rid of U.S.-dominated diplomatic channels. They aim to achieve real democratic.

The Communist Party of China is the vanguard both of Chinese working class and of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. It is the core of leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and represents the development trend of China's advanced  productive forces, the orientation of China's advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. The realization of communism is the highest ideal and ultimate goal of the Party.

5. Students cried for the slogan: Down with U.S. imperialism. But they failed. Trotskyism began popular among students.In 1959,Japanese students started the Security struggle,aiming to against modification of Japan-U.S. security agreement.

While in Korea, students were suffered decades of poverty,violence,authoritarian,and disease,they were on the verge of totally fallen apart.Finally,students demanded to end the dictatorship by their leaders at that time. And finally they succeed.

6.In 1950,the America warring war against the Korean.Afterwards,the America was forced to accept the recommendation proposed by the Soviet Union that negotiated with Korean.The Korean military be ready at all times to defense the attack of America.After some considerable negotiation,on July 27th,1953,the Korea decided to sign the "Korea armistice agreement".But in 1953 May,the Japan tried to sent troops to occupy the Korean peninsula.The Japanese military was ambitious. Some militia volunteers were gathered and drive the Japanese military out.



英国留学生作业代写范文:Presentation one



Hello everyone! Thank you for your attention!

There is a book, which is on the list of the 100best non-fiction books of the 20th century. It is silent spring.

Do you know this book? I think almost everyone in this room heard about this book as it is so famous. And the publication of this book caused a nationwide ban of pesticides. Also, most importantly, the writer of this book is special. At first, she is a scientist, then she is a full time writer.

So can you guess who I am going to talk about? Yes, I am going to tell you Rachel Carson, a famous marine biologist. She devoted herself’ into the research about the detrimental effects caused by DDT, a kind of pesticide.

Now let’s first look at how she firstly focused on the use of DDT as well as how she came to write the famous book silent spring.

DDT was developed with the help of military funding starting from World War II. And then, in America, there is a gypsy moth program, which involved the aerial spraying of DDT. The spraying action involved the spraying of private land. However, the research at the Library of Medicine of the national Institutes of Health find that DDT may cause cancer. And then, Carson, with the help of NIH librarian Dorothy Algire, found proof to support the pesticide-cancer connection as well as the evidence about the link between pesticide exposure and the environment damage, hence she wrote the famous book Silent Spring.

As a famous man said, “Silent Spring altered the balance of power in the world. No one since would be able to sell pollution as the necessary underside of progress so easily or uncritically”. Yes, surely it is. The publication of Silent Spring caused a series of environment movements. It was influential for the start of ecofeminism and it started campaign to ban the use of DDT in the United States.

That’s all, Thank you!



51due留学资讯-留学英国需要携带的生活用品 (1)


被褥被套床单枕套,可以带一套被罩、床单和枕套,枕头可以带压缩的。被子可以带一床薄的轻的,以备第一天之用。其实如果时间充足的话可以来了再买。床单我喜欢英国的床单,通常英国的床单有两种:Fitted sheet和flat sheet。Flat sheet跟国内的床单是一样的,我个人喜欢Fitted sheet,四周是有弹性的,随便一套就好且不容易移位走形。女生可以从国内带漂亮的床品。要注意英国的被子跟国内的被子尺寸不太相同,单人被子一般大约135*190厘米,双人的被子基本是200*200厘米。
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essay代写范文:Strive for the dream


Statement Of Purpose I remember the day as if it were yesterday. During my second year in college, I was attempting to transmit a group of characters comprising my name from one computer to another. I connected the computers using RS-232 cable, wrote the necessary programs and executed them. I typed my name on one terminal and rushed to the other to see the results. "Wow, this is magic!" I exclaimed as I read 'Tom' on the screen. While I realized intuitively that a complex version of this elementary network could achieve much, at the time I had no real idea what. Now, four years later, I know that Networking makes possible a plethora of applications, from video-conferencing over the Internet to linking banks through private networks. It still seems like magic. Or rather, a grand adventure - one that I most certainly want to be part of. My interest in applied science dates back to my school days. During high school, I was fascinated with electronic gadgets. Soon thereafter, designing and building basic circuits started as a hobby. Along the way, however, I realized that the problem-solving aspect of making electronic gadgets was what I enjoyed the most. Engineering was a natural career choice after this. During my undergraduate studies at the Electronics & Communication department of M.K. College of Engineering, subjects like Microprocessors, C-Programming, Computer Networks interested me the most. I was awestruck by the potential of Intel 8086 microprocessor, more so by the manner in which its faster and more powerful cousins revolutionized the working of computers in a decade. I was now determined to focus on microprocessors during my Final Year project. I elected to do the project at National Space Research Organization (NSRO) as it has an outstanding infrastructure setup and a stimulating, world-class research environment. This enabled me to work with some of the best minds dedicated to engineering research in my country. I gained a lot from this association - in particular, an idea of how rewarding and meaningful a career in research could be. The more tangible benefits have been a deeper insight into architecture and working of microprocessors and thorough C-programming skills. Sometimes I spent more than ten hours a day at NSRO, reading manuals and troubleshooting circuits and debugging code. I am glad to say the effort paid off in the end. Mr. Tendulkar, my project guide, deemed the results of my project to be most valuable. The interface card that I designed was later added to NSRO's Spacecraft Interface Simulator (SIS) systems. This project was the highlight of my academic career. Most importantly, I left NSRO with the decision to study advanced computing. During my first job at Neville Engineering and Locomotive Co. (NELCO), I developed a real-time monitoring system for the Molding Line in Foundry. Success on this project gave me the confidence to provide software solutions to real-life problems. Although I liked the job, software development at NELCO was a support function. I therefore switched to Mohinder Belgian Telecom Ltd. (MBT), a multinational company providing software solutions in wide-ranging fields, telecommunications being its forte. At MBT, I have been involved with Project ART, Belgian Telecom's new front-end system providing intelligent access to its Customer Service System (CSS). Working on this project has helped me hone my programming skills on real-life problems. I developed an appreciation of 'the big picture', and conversely how important details are. I also discovered leadership skills in myself, and frequently assisted colleagues who had little or no background in computers. As an outcome of this, the company asked me to take occasional seminars on Operating Systems and C-Programming for my colleagues. I have been appointed Team Leader within a year and today, I independently look after enhancements and maintenance of three modules out of the sixteen in Project ART. During my work on project ART at MBT and through my interaction with colleagues, I have grown to admire the role of Computer Networks in empowering end-users. I am not directly involved with Computer Networks in my job, but through avid reading of periodicals and journals like 'Network World', I have sustained my interest in the field. In fact, after reading about the immense potential of path-breaking protocols such as 'Multicast' and applications like 'Voice Over IP' and 'Virtual Private Networks', I cannot help but feel excited about the potential for new research in this area. While my present job has helped me develop a thorough insight into project handling, the industry environment that I am currently in cannot support my desire for research. I possess industry-hardened skills in Computers, but I must build on these to achieve my goal of undertaking cutting-edge research in advanced computing, with specific reference to Computer Networks. I therefore believe that I must return to the academic world for further growth. I wish to earn an MS degree in Computer Science. I intend to follow this up with a Ph.D., and later, a career in research and teaching. I have spoken to my professors, seniors and colleagues about my choice of University, and have applied to Princeton University because it is reputable for its research facilities and computing resources. The department web site revealed a very strong faculty involved in extensive research in the area of Computer Networks. This has strengthened my resolve to study at Princeton University. I bring along a strong grasp of fundamentals in Electronics and Computers, an aptitude for teaching and team work, a zest for challenges and an enthusiastic desire to learn all I can. I would like to take with me, in addition to knowledge of Computer Networks, a network of strong and lasting relationships with my teachers and fellow-students. I hope that my background and qualifications are found suitable for an MS in Computer Science at Princeton University.51due-专业解决中国留学生essay代写,Turnitin论文检测,文章翻译等学业学术问题。QQ:800020041




二、夜生活:在北方,一个城市一般只有一个夜总会。在伦敦,夜生活要丰富得多。而且“酷点”总在不断改变,今天是Ministry或是The Comlex,明天就会是Fabric,Cargo或是93Feet East。
六、星期六半夜回家路上在Carling Cross 地铁站买星期天的报纸。
十六、北伦敦火车线:这是伦敦的秘密铁路,它从西南方的Richmond开始,环绕过整个伦敦北部,在最东边的North Woolwich结束。
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英国论文代写案例-The importance of family harmony

51Due论文代写网为留学生精选essay代写范文“The importance of family harmony”,作者是单亲家庭,在作者9岁的时候母亲结婚了。母亲结婚后父亲对作者很好,很爱作者很关心作者,让作者和父亲的关系变的很好。之后作者像我们说明了家庭的和睦对我们的成长起到了很大的作用。

My name is Nicole. I am a senior, living in Bricktown, New Jersey. Thinking back to life as a freshman makes me realize how many things have changed. My social and emotional growth has been affected by many factors. During my early years I was totally dependent on my parents. I also needed social and moral guidance. I was born into a single parent family 17 years ago. My mother and I had the love and support of my grandparents and four uncles. I realize now, each and every day, how lucky we are to have them in our lives. Being an only child I felt extremely well cared for. I was spoiled with love and affection. For years I did not have to compete for my mothers time or attention. When my mother married in 1993 when I was nine years old. It was a very difficult time for me. I felt that Bob was invading our lives. He loved me like his own and adopted me shortly after. It took years for our relationship to grow. Lots of love, patience, and caring, eventually led to my love for him as my new dad. Heredity and environmental influences determine personalities. I tested many different kinds of behavior on people closest to me. As I became more social I wanted to imitate friends, adults, characters on TV, in movies, or that I read about in books. Friends sometimes seemed more important than schoolwork, hobbies, sports, or other activities. Friendships are an important aspect of everyone’s life. For me, they have been a source of both pleasure and frustration. Friends have allowed me to experience myself as a leader and follower, a winner and loser, and as an equal. Mutual respect between friends has been very important. I learned the negative aspects of friendships, as well as the positive ones. Through trial and error I have gradually come to understand the complexities of friendship. Liking others and being liked was vital for my social development. I have learned to establish and maintain special relationships that have enhanced my self-esteem. I have gained confidence, which is essential for success in the world. My self-esteem has developed in a continual process and is shaped by each new situation. By respecting myself and feeling competent I can successfully influence others. I can tolerate frustration, take risks, and stick with tasks until they are finished, achieving a sense of pride through these accomplishments. A sense of self is not instinctive; it is gradually learned. Moral development is an ongoing process. I did not just suddenly acquire a sense of what is right and wrong. It developed over a period of years. When I was young I would usually try to do what my parents expected, to please them or to avoid punishment. Eventually I developed my own decision-making powers and internal controllers. By learning to recognize morally acceptable standards of behavior, I learned to live comfortably within the boundaries established by these standards. From this recognition, came the challenge of resisting temptation, controlling impulses, and making sound decisions before acting. Respecting my parents and feeling respected by them has been an important foundation for my positive behavior. My family provided the framework in which I could learn to be gradually more independent and eventually able to manage my own life and live on my own. There is no “perfect parent” or “perfect child”. When I was able to recognize my own shortcomings and strengths I became more accepting of others, rather than trying to make them into what I thought they should be. I think my parents have had the most significant influence on my feelings about myself. I have always felt liked and accepted which has given me a strong foundation for my social and emotional development. They have always had high expectations for me, providing firm guidance, giving love, and setting limits. They have done all they can to encourage me to feel good about myself. Because I feel important I can face each day with self-confidence. While I was continuing to grow both inside and out, so was our family. I am now one of six children. I am the big sister to three brothers and one sister. I will have another brother in March of this year. What a journey it has been. Each new child arrived with a unique personality and adds to the complexity of our family’s relationship. Family unity has been critically important because, the stability that it has provided helped me to acquire independence. Although some experiences are unique to particular families, there are certain similarities that all families share. The way, in which our parents raise us, generally has a dramatic effect on the type of person we become. I would have to say that the impact of family, school, and peers has shaped my values and all that I am. Growing up has taught me human relation skills, such as, social adjustment, emotional maturity, adaptability, dependability, leadership ability, and sense of humor. I look forward to being challenged academically and will take on these new challenges with enthusiasm. Learning can and should be fun.

原文来源:http://www.51due.com/writing/more/sample60064.html 51due专业解决中国留学生essay代写,大学申请,Turnitin论文检测,文章翻译等学业学术问题。QQ:800020041


essay代写范例:College life


College From my college experience, I hope to gain many things. Obviously college is a time that students can truly become individuals. When I attend college I will have the opportunity to become more independent and to take on new responsibilities. I have always relied on my parents for support, but at college I will be on y own an will have to push myself harder. This will help me to become more mature and will help me grow in character. Right now I have a fairly accurate idea concerning what I want to do with my life. Yet, I am also aware that I may change my mind several times before I begin a career. College will introduce me to new and various things, an I will develop new interests from this exposure. During my high school years, I have been very involved in school and community activities. In college, I will also be exposed to new clubs and activities. Involvement in extra events has provided a balance for rigorous course study. With the pressures college brings, I will probably want to be involved in many groups. I hope to find a balance between my studies and my social life, and I hope to offer my leadership qualities to my college community.


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Business management


1. Decentralized IS structure scatteres all staff, hardware, software, data, and processes into a in different location.
The advantages of TMS’s new decentralized IS structure are as follows:
a) The decentralized structure can well meet the local business need.
b) The business units can develop a closer relationship with IT.
c) The telecommunication costs of the company can be reduced.
The disadvantages of the new decentralized structure are as follows:
a) Some senior-level business execs were unwilling to take responsibility for IS projects.
b) It’s hard to maintain global standards
c) Lack of control

2. The new structure distributed the IT into businesses, and it provided the business with more local attention kept the business vision alive.
DIO served the vertical area, and they provide one-stop shop to head up a small group of internal customers with all of the associated services, including vehicle-ordering, dealer portals, etc., and that changed the accountability for project success.

3. The new approval process had just been put forward, and the new process needed to be verified repeatedly in a long period. The business executives would not take risk to use a new IS structure.
Besides, the Centralized structure is the global standards and common data at that time. They would not to accept the new standards to influence the current business.
In my opinion, Cooper’s demand will not help a lot to the problem immediately.
Cooper should enhance the propaganda and advertise more successful case, and she supposed to get more support from official organization. Besides, she still needs a period for transition.

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Dancers should pay attention to the elements of dance

51due论文代写网作为业内最大的论文代写与留学文书申请机构,我们精选了一篇代写范文"Dancers should pay attention to the elements of dance",细节的内在要素很重要,特别是对舞者的动作中的每一个细节,以及在我们面前的舞蹈形象。我觉得第一段是很好的,但在二段,在我看来,对外在要素的描写不是那么深,他在很大程度上还重复了第一段,外在要素包括任何语境信息、解释或评价的观察者都会给他看,他的重点停留于形式的表面,而延伸意义需要被观察和发现。了解舞蹈的背景是非常重要的,所以我们会知道什么是舞者将要表达的,他继续表达的舞蹈'的意思,用了一个抽象的方式,这可能会误导观众欣赏舞蹈。

Step 2:
Adowa dancing is the head, shoulders, arms, breast and legs movements  to the beat of  drums. The dancers wave their outstretched arms and walk back and force rhythmically. They initiate upper body movements by pushing their shoulders or elbows outwards gently to the beat. Masai dancing is to jump up and down in a dance. A circle is formed by the people, and one or two at a time will enter to begin jumping while maintaining a narrow posture, never letting their heels touch the ground. Members of the group may raise the pitch of  their voices based on the height of the jump, they have high jumping one by one, the process of the Masai dancing is fully use their leg’s jumping, every dancer jump some times. Sabar dancing is a very fast paced dance, which needs the boy shaking with intensity, the dynamic movement of legs and the rapid movement of the arms danced by the dancers at the same time, meanwhile, the dancers emphasizes hip swings and jumping high in the air to perform rhythmic footwork with the beat of sabar, the female dancers lift their dresses and  bare legs consistently.
In Adowa dancing, although the beat of drum is fast, but the dancers wave their outstretched arms and walk back and force rhythmically in a slow and relaxing rhythm, it can be observed that this dance is performed on the street and can be used for social gatherings or some ceremonies .  Dancers dress uniform neatly presents the harmony scene, the sound of singing is likely conveying a form of religious prayer. Compared with Adowa dancing, sabar dancing is a type of dancing characterized by convulsive body, the beat of drum is more quickly in sabar  dancing than in Adowa dancing, dancers exert all their energies to move their whole body, they are wearing brightly colored dresses, this dance also performed in social gatherings with a lot of  audience, it is an entertaining performance to attract people’s attention, and it dominates the entire public space. It seems that a good sabar player look at the feet of the dancer, she plays what you are going to do, that’s why it’s nice to dance with live percussion. Sabar is a celebration of the feminine sexuality, the female dancers showing  their legs sexually means their willing to express themselves. Compared with previous dances, Masai dancing seems more traditional and original, they dance only by their own voices, all the dancers wear red clothes and hold a rod or staff in their hands, it seems like a coming-of-age ceremony of warriors, they swear for something. These three dances are totally different style , which reflects different culture in different countries, dance is also a kind of local language.
Step 3:
The intrinsic elements is described in detail, especially for every detail of the dancer’s action, the dancing image seems re-create in front of us. I think the first paragraph is very good,  but in the second paragraph, in  my opinion, the description about the extrinsic elements is not so deep, he still repeated largely the first paragraph, the extrinsic elements include any contextual information, interpretation, or evaluation the observer brings to viewing, his emphasis stays around superficial with formality, while the extended meaning need to be observed and discovered. Knowing the context of dancing is quite important, so we will know what the dancers are going to express, he keep on expressing the dances’ meaning in an abstract way, which may mislead the audience to appreciate the dances. Apart from the clips of these three dances, I recommend us to find some other videos to observe the dances, such as sabar dancing ,you can find some documentary of it, it will take to realize the whole of this magic dance in a special cultural environment.  At last, I think a summary should be made.

原文参考:http://www.51due.com/writing/more/sample59984.html 51due专业解决英国留学生essay代写,Turnitin论文检测,文章翻译等学业学术问题。QQ:800020041

Holiday travel


A recent interpersonal communication event happened between me and my cousin when I was back in China during Christmas holiday. I made a plan with one of my best friends to climb a nearby mountain two days after Christmas Day and my cousin asked for a trip together when she knew my plan. However, she was in cold. So I asked her to stay at home in case the cold weather would deteriorate her sickness. But she thought fresh air would do her better and the reason I didn’t want her to go was that I took her as a trouble since I was the older sister. Plus, I was going with my friend and I may be afraid that she would inconvenience our conversation.
  I got 50 for my nonverbal immediacy for the interaction, which should be very immediate. I think the consequence comes from verbal cause rather than nonverbal one. Based on her reaction, I should say my partner felt disliked by me since she thought she was the undesirable company.
  My average score of concern for relationship, identity as a likeable person and concerns about managing arousal is respectively 6.3, 6.7 and 5. Of all the 9 questions, I am worst at controlling my emotion, so I get the lowest score for concerns for managing arousal. When I told my cousin to stay at home, I didn’t treat her as an equal but a little sister though she was only two years younger. When she showed her unhappiness, I showed my annoyance and was pissed at her misunderstanding. I meant well for her health, somehow she misunderstood me. My cousin is a fan of climbing and also the only child in the family who always gets what she wants. She was upset already for the cold, so when I refused her self-invitation, she kind of flipped out. If I could go back to the situation, I would take her thought into consideration first. I may still refuse her proposal but in a different way. I would not use an older-sister-to-little-sister tone, but treat her as a friend and I would first ask her to consult her doctor or her parents. If they were all with me, the unhappy incident would never have occurred.



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